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proper-tags (common-tags rebooted)

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proper-tags is an evolved version of the widely-used CommonJS package common-tags. It has been updated with the following considerations for modern JavaScript environments:

  • 🌟 Extendable: proper-tags comes with built-in tools for creating custom tags.
  • πŸ“¦ ESM Code Base: With support for ESM/ECMAScript Modules, it ensures native compatibility with modern development tools.
  • πŸ¦• Deno Compatibility: Designed specifically to function seamlessly with the Deno runtime.
  • πŸ“ TypeScript Definitions: Integrated TypeScript typings make development in TypeScript a breeze.
  • πŸ”„ API Consistency: Its interface aligns with common-tags, ensuring compatibility with existing frameworks and guides.

Below is a quick guide, check out the full documentation at

Quick Example

import { html } from 'proper-tags';

  <div id="user-card">




npm install proper-tags

ESM Import:

import { stripIndent } from 'proper-tags';

Legacy CommonJS Require:

const { stripIndent } = require('proper-tags');


To use proper-tags with Deno, import it from

import { html } from '';

Note: Make sure to freeze the url to a specific version


To include proper-tags via jsdelivr, add the following script tag to your HTML file:

<script src=""></script>

Note: Make sure to replace 2.0.2 with the latest version



Like all ES modules, proper-tags begins with an import.

import { stripIndent } from 'proper-tags'

Available Functions

  • html: Properly indents arrays and newline characters in string substitutions.
    • Aliases: source, codeBlock
  • safeHtml: Similar to html, but with safe HTML escaping for strings.
  • oneLine: Converts multi-line strings into a single line.
  • oneLineTrim: Converts multi-line strings into a single line, trimming newlines.
  • stripIndent: Strips the initial indentation from the beginning of each line in a multiline string.
  • stripIndents: Strips all indentation from the beginning of each line in a multiline string.
  • inlineLists: Inlines an array substitution as a list.
  • oneLineInlineLists: Inlines an array substitution as a list, rendered on a single line.
  • commaLists: Inlines an array substitution as a comma-separated list.
  • commaListsOr: Inlines an array as a comma-separated list, with the last item prefixed by β€œor”.
  • commaListsAnd: Inlines an array as a comma-separated list, with the last item prefixed by β€œand”.
  • oneLineCommaLists: Inlines an array as a comma-separated list on a single line.
  • oneLineCommaListsOr: Inlines an array as a comma-separated list on a single line, with the last item prefixed by β€œor”.
  • oneLineCommaListsAnd: Inlines an array as a comma-separated list on a single line, with the last item prefixed by β€œand”.
  • id: A no-op tag useful in scenarios like mocking.

For more information, examples, functions for advanced usage and best practices, refer to the documentation at

How to Contribute

Please see the Contribution Guidelines.


MIT. See license.