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Ptera is DateTime library for Deno
import { dayOfYearToDate } from "./convert.ts";import { Locale } from "./locale.ts";import { DateFormatType, DateObj, isFormatDateType } from "./types.ts";import { INVALID_DATE, isValidDate, minToMillisec, parseInteger,} from "./utils.ts";
const formatsRegex = /([-:/.()\s\_]+)|(YYYY|MMMM|MMM|MM|M|dd?|DDD|D|HH?|hh?|mm?|ss?|S{1,3}|wwww|www|w|ZZ?|a|'.')/g;
const oneDigitRegex = /\d/;const fourDigitsRegex = /\d\d\d\d/;const oneToTwoDigitRegex = /\d\d?/;const oneToThreeDigitRegex = /\d{1,3}/;const offsetRegex = /[+-]\d\d:?(\d\d)?|Z/;const literalRegex = /\d*[^\s\d-_:/()]+/;
function arrayToRegex(array: string[]) { return new RegExp(array.join("|"), "g");}
type ParsedFormat = { regex: RegExp; property: string; cursor: number | null;};
function parseFormatStr( formatStr: DateFormatType, locale: Locale,): ParsedFormat { switch (formatStr) { case "YY": case "YYYY": { return { regex: fourDigitsRegex, property: "year", cursor: 4, }; } case "M": case "MM": { return { regex: oneToTwoDigitRegex, property: "month", cursor: 2, }; } case "MMM": { return { regex: arrayToRegex(locale.monthList("short")), property: "shortMonthStr", cursor: null, }; } case "MMMM": { return { regex: arrayToRegex(locale.monthList("long")), property: "monthStr", cursor: null, }; } case "d": case "dd": { return { regex: oneToTwoDigitRegex, property: "day", cursor: 2, }; } case "D": case "DDD": { return { regex: oneToThreeDigitRegex, property: "dayOfYear", cursor: 3, }; } case "H": case "HH": case "h": case "hh": { return { regex: oneToTwoDigitRegex, property: "hour", cursor: 2, }; } case "m": case "mm": { return { regex: oneToTwoDigitRegex, property: "minute", cursor: 2, }; } case "s": case "ss": { return { regex: oneToTwoDigitRegex, property: "second", cursor: 2, }; } case "S": { return { regex: oneToThreeDigitRegex, property: "millisecond", cursor: 3, }; } case "w": { return { regex: oneDigitRegex, property: "weekDay", cursor: 1, }; } case "www": { return { regex: arrayToRegex(locale.weekList("short")), property: "week", cursor: null, }; } case "wwww": { return { regex: arrayToRegex(locale.weekList("long")), property: "week", cursor: null, }; } case "a": { return { regex: literalRegex, property: "AMPM", cursor: 2, }; } case "Z": case "ZZ": { return { regex: offsetRegex, property: "offset", cursor: 6, }; } default: { throw new TypeError("Please input valid format."); } }}
type ParseResult = DateObj & { locale?: string; offsetMillisec?: number };
export function parseDateStr( dateStr: string, format: string, option?: { locale: string },): ParseResult { const locale = new Locale(option?.locale ?? "en"); const hash = dateStrToHash(dateStr, format, locale); return hashToDate(hash, locale);}
function dateStrToHash( dateStr: string, formatStr: string, locale: Locale,): { [key: string]: string } { const parsedFormat = formatStr.match(formatsRegex); let cursor = 0; const hash: { [key: string]: string } = {}; if (parsedFormat) { for (const f of parsedFormat) { if (isFormatDateType(f)) { const { regex, property, cursor: formatCursor } = parseFormatStr( f, locale, ); const targetStr = formatCursor ? dateStr.substr(cursor, formatCursor) : dateStr.substr(cursor); const parts = targetStr.match(regex); if (parts) { cursor += parts[0].length; hash[property] = parts[0]; } else { return {}; } } else if (f.match(/'.'/)) { cursor += f.length - 2; } else { cursor += f.length; } } } return hash;}
function hashToDate( hash: { [key: string]: string }, locale: Locale,): ParseResult { const year = parseInteger(hash["year"]); const months = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12] as const;
let month = undefined; if (hash["monthStr"]) { month = months[locale.monthList("long").indexOf(hash["monthStr"])]; }
if (hash["shortMonthStr"]) { month = months[locale.monthList("short").indexOf(hash["shortMonthStr"])]; }
if (hash["month"]) { month = parseInteger((hash["month"])); }
let day = parseInteger((hash["day"]));
if (hash["dayOfYear"]) { const dayOfYear = parseInteger(hash["dayOfYear"]); const date = dayOfYear && year ? dayOfYearToDate(dayOfYear, year) : undefined; month = date?.month; day = date?.day; }
const hour = parseInteger((hash["hour"])); const minute = parseInteger((hash["minute"])); const second = parseInteger((hash["second"])); const millisecond = parseInteger((hash["millisecond"]));
if ( !isValidDate({ year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond }) ) { return INVALID_DATE; } const offsetMillisec = hash["offset"] ? parseOffsetMillisec(hash["offset"]) : null; const isPM = hash["AMPM"] === "PM";
return { year: year as number, month: month ?? 0, day: day ?? 0, hour: normalizehour(hour ?? 0, isPM), minute: minute ?? 0, second: second ?? 0, millisecond: millisecond ?? 0, offsetMillisec: offsetMillisec ?? 0, locale: locale.locale, };}
function normalizehour(hour: number, isPM: boolean) { if (isPM) { if (hour < 12) { return hour + 12; } if (hour === 12) { return 0; } } return hour;}
function parseOffsetMillisec(offsetStr: string): number { if (offsetStr === "Z") return 0; const parts = offsetStr.match(/([-+]|\d\d)/g); if (!parts) return 0;
const hour = parseInteger(parts[1]) ?? 0; const minute = parseInteger(parts[2]) ?? 0; const result = minToMillisec(hour * 60 + minute); if (parts[0] === "-") return result * (-1); return result;}
export function parseISO(isoString: string): ParseResult { const trimStr = isoString.trim(); switch (trimStr.length) { // e.g.: 2021 case 4: return parseDateStr(trimStr, "YYYY"); // e.g.: 202107 case 6: return parseDateStr(trimStr, "YYYYMM"); // e.g.: 2021-07 or 2021215 (Year and Day of Year) case 7: return trimStr.match(/\d{4}-\d{2}/) ? parseDateStr(trimStr, "YYYY-MM") : parseDateStr(trimStr, "YYYYDDD"); case 8: // e.g.: 20210721 if (trimStr.match(/\d{8}/)) { return parseDateStr(trimStr, "YYYYMMdd"); } // e.g.: 2021215 (Year and Day of Year) if (trimStr.match(/\d{4}-\d{3}/)) { return parseDateStr(trimStr, "YYYY-DDD"); } // e.g.: 2021W201 (Year and ISO Week Date and Week number) if (trimStr.match(/\d{4}W\d{3}/)) { return parseDateStr(trimStr, "YYYY'W'WWw"); } return INVALID_DATE; // e.g.: 2021-07-21 or 2021-W20-1 (Year and ISO Week Date and Week number) case 10: if (trimStr.match(/\d{4}W\d{2}-\d/)) { return parseDateStr(trimStr, "YYYY'W'WWw"); } return parseDateStr(trimStr, "YYYY-MM-dd"); // e.g.: 2021-07-21T13 case 13: return parseDateStr(trimStr, "YYYY-MM-dd'T'hh"); // e.g.: 2021-07-21T1325 case 15: return parseDateStr(trimStr, "YYYY-MM-dd'T'hhmm"); // e.g.: 2021-07-21T13:25 case 16: return parseDateStr(trimStr, "YYYY-MM-dd'T'hh:mm"); // e.g.: 2021-07-21T13:25:30 case 17: return parseDateStr(trimStr, "YYYY-MM-dd'T'hhmmss"); // e.g.: 2021-07-21 13:25:30 case 18: return parseDateStr(trimStr, "YYYY-MM-ddhh:mm:ss"); // e.g.: 2021-07-21T13:25:30 case 19: return parseDateStr(trimStr, "YYYY-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss"); // e.g.: 2021-07-21T132530.200 case 21: return parseDateStr(trimStr, "YYYY-MM-dd'T'hhmmss.S"); // e.g.: 2021-07-21T13:25:30.200 case 23: return parseDateStr(trimStr, "YYYY-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss.S"); case 29: return parseDateStr(trimStr, "YYYY-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss.SZZ"); default: return parseDateStr(trimStr, "YYYY-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss.S"); }}