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An efficient and fully compliant Pterodactyl API wrapper.
interface ServerAttributes
import { type ServerAttributes } from "";


id: number
external_id: string | null
uuid: string
identifier: string
name: string
description: string
suspended: boolean
limits: { memory: number; swap: number; disk: number; io: number; cpu: number; threads: string | null; }
feature_limits: { databases: number; allocations: number; backups: number; }
user: number
node: number
allocation: number
nest: number
egg: number
container: { startup_command: string; image: string; installed: boolean; environment: Record<string, string>; }
updated_at: string
created_at: string
relationships: { allocations?: AllocationList; user?: User; subusers?: SubUserList; nest?: Nest; egg?: Egg; location?: Location; node?: Node; databases?: DatabaseList; }