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Publish your module with one command in Deno.
import { dim } from "";import { basename, join } from "";
type Version = { raw: string; major: number; minor: number; patch: number; startsWithV: boolean; stage?: { name: string; index: number; withoutDot: boolean; }; prepublish?(version: string): Promise<false | void> | false | void; postpublish?(version: string): Promise<void> | void; filename: string;};
function createVersionTS(version: string) { return [ "/** `version` managed by */", `export const VERSION = "${version}"`, "", "/** `prepublish` will be invoked before publish, return `false` to prevent the publish. */", "export function prepublish(version: string) {", ` console.log("Upgrading to", version)`, "}", "", "/** `postpublish` will be invoked after published. */", "export function postpublish(version: string) {", ` console.log("Upgraded to", version)`, "}", ].join("\n");}
async function publish(currentVersion: Version) { const { raw, major, minor, patch, startsWithV, stage, prepublish, postpublish, filename, } = currentVersion; const version = [major, minor, patch].join("."); const versionList = [ `${major}.${minor}.${patch + 1}`, `${major}.${minor + 1}.0`, `${major + 1}.0.0`, ]; if (stage?.name === "rc") { versionList.unshift( `${version}-${}${stage.withoutDot ? "" : "."}${stage.index + 1}`, ); } else if (stage?.name === "beta") { versionList.unshift( `${version}-${}${stage.withoutDot ? "" : "."}${stage.index + 1}`, `${version}-rc.1`, ); } else if (stage?.name === "alpha") { versionList.unshift( `${version}-${}${stage.withoutDot ? "" : "."}${stage.index + 1}`, `${version}-beta.1`, `${version}-rc.1`, ); } else { versionList.push( `${version}-alpha.1`, `${version}-beta.1`, `${version}-rc.1`, ); } print("Upgrade to:\n"); const updateTo = await select(versionList); const nextVersion = versionList[updateTo]; if (prepublish && await prepublish(nextVersion) === false) { return; } if (await exists(filename)) { const text = await Deno.readTextFile(filename); await Deno.writeTextFile( filename, text.replace(raw, `${startsWithV ? "v" : ""}${nextVersion}`), ); } else { if (await confirm(`create '${basename(filename)}'?`) === false) { return; } await Deno.writeTextFile(filename, createVersionTS(nextVersion)); }
const tagStartsWithV = await confirm("should the tag start with 'v'?"); const tag = `${tagStartsWithV ? "v" : ""}${nextVersion}`; await run("git", "add", ".", "--all"); await run("git", "commit", "-m", tag); await run("git", "tag", tag); const currentRemote = (await $run("git", "remote")).trim(); const currentBranch = (await $run("git", "branch", "--show-current")).trim(); if ( await confirm(`push '${currentRemote}' on '${currentBranch}' branch to remote repository?`) ) { await run("git", "push", currentRemote, currentBranch, "--tag", tag); } if (postpublish) { await postpublish(nextVersion); }}
function print(message: string) { return Deno.stdout.write(new TextEncoder().encode(message));}
const clearLine = async () => { const ESC = "\x1b"; // ASCII escape character const CSI = ESC + "["; // control sequence introducer await print(CSI + "A"); // moves cursor up one line await print(CSI + "K"); // clears from cursor to line end};
async function ask(question = ":") { Deno.stdin.setRaw(false); await print(question + " "); const buf = new Uint8Array(8); const n = <number> await; if (buf[0] === 13) { // enter return "n"; } const answer = new TextDecoder().decode(buf.subarray(0, n)); return answer.trim();}
async function select(list: string[]): Promise<number> { let selected = 0; Deno.stdin.setRaw(true, { cbreak: true }); while (true) { for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (i === selected) { await print(`> ${list[i]}\n`); } else { await print(dim(` ${list[i]}\n`)); } } const key = new Uint8Array(8); await; if (key[0] === 13) { // enter break; } if (key[0] === 27 && key[1] === 91) { // arrow keys if (key[2] === 65) { // up selected = (selected - 1 + list.length) % list.length; } else if (key[2] === 66) { // down selected = (selected + 1) % list.length; } } for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { await clearLine(); } } Deno.stdin.setRaw(false); return selected;}
async function confirm(question = "are you sure?") { let a: string; while (!/^(y|n)?$/i.test(a = await ask(dim("? ") + question + dim(" [y/N]")))) {} return a === "y";}
function run(command: string, ...args: string[]): Promise<Deno.CommandStatus> { const cmd = new Deno.Command(command, { args, stdout: "inherit", stderr: "inherit", }); return cmd.spawn().status;}
async function $run(command: string, ...args: string[]): Promise<string> { const cmd = new Deno.Command(command, { args, stdout: "piped", stderr: "inherit", }); const process = cmd.spawn(); const res = new Response(process.stdout); return await res.text();}
async function exists(filePath: string): Promise<boolean> { try { await Deno.lstat(filePath); return true; } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { return false; } throw err; }}
if (import.meta.main) { if (await exists(join(Deno.cwd(), ".git")) === false) { console.log("Please initialize the repository and run the script again."); Deno.exit(1); }
for ( const name of ["version.ts", "version.mts", "version.js", "version.mjs"] ) { const path = join(Deno.cwd(), name); if (await exists(path)) { const { default: rawVersionAsDefault, VERSION: rawVERSION, version: rawVersion, prepublish, postpublish, } = await import("file://" + path); const list = [rawVersionAsDefault, rawVERSION, rawVersion]; for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { const v = list[i]; if (typeof v === "string" && v.length > 0) { const [mainVersion, stage] = v.split("-"); const [major, minor, patch] = mainVersion.replace(/^v/i, "").split(".").map((s) => parseInt(s)); if (major >= 0 && minor >= 0 && patch >= 0) { const version: Version = { raw: v, major, minor, patch, startsWithV: /^v/i.test(mainVersion), prepublish, postpublish, filename: path, }; if (/^[a-z]+\.?\d+/i.test(stage)) { version.stage = { name: stage.replace(/[\.\d]+/g, ""), index: parseInt(stage.replace(/[\.a-z]+/gi, "")), withoutDot: !/\./.test(stage), }; } await publish(version); Deno.exit(0); } } } console.log(`'${name}' needs to export a version string with format '[v]1.2.3[-rc.4]'`); Deno.exit(1); } }
// create a new version file await publish({ raw: "0.0.0", major: 0, minor: 0, patch: 0, startsWithV: false, filename: join(Deno.cwd(), "./version.ts"), }); Deno.exit(0);}