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Pup - Simple yet powerful Process Manager

Pup is a command-line tool that simplifies the management of processes. Pup can start, stop, restart, and keep processes alive, as well as schedule processes using a cron pattern. It does also manage the logs of each process, gathering them into a single stdout or file, making it easy to monitor and analyze the output of your processes in one place.

Pup is centered around a single configuration file called pup.jsonc. This file defines every aspect of the program(s) to run, how to run them, and how logging should be handled.

Note Please note that Pup is currently in an early stage of development and may contain bugs or unexpected behavior. Use at your own risk.


Latest version of pup can be installed using Deno with the following command:

deno install -A -n pup

The -A flag grants all permissions needed for Pup to work properly. In case of Deno subprocesses, you can specify individual permissions for each process with the usual command line flags.

Note Before using Pup, you need to have Deno installed on your system. You can download and install Deno with a single command following the instructions provided on the official website:

Upgrading from a previous version

Passing -fr to the installation command will clear cache and upgrade pup to the latest version. -A grants all permission for pup to work properly.

deno install -frA


To start using Pup, you can simply run pup on the command line. This will use the default configuration file pup.jsonc located in the current directory.

If you want to use a different configuration file, you can pass the --config flag followed by the filename:

pup --config myconfig.json

Once Pup is running, it will read the configuration file and start the processes defined in it. You can also use Pup as a library within a Deno program to manage child processes.


Pup is centered around a single configuration file called pup.jsonc. This file defines every aspect of the program, such as the processes to manage, how to start them, and when to restart them.

Here’s an example of a pup.jsoncc with all possible options defined:


  // Global logger configuration, this whole clause if optional
  "logger": {

    // Decorate console log entries?
    "decorate": true, // default true

    // Decorate log file entries?
    "decorateFiles": true, // default true

    // Use colors in console?
    "colors": true, // defailt true

    // Write logs to files, if stderr is undefined it will default to the stdout file
    // Files will be written to the working directory of pup if the path is not absolute
    "stdout": "pup.log", // default undefined
    "stderr": "pup.error.log" // default undefined or stdout, if defined

  // Process configuration - Required to be an array, and at least one process definition is required
  "processes": [
    // One object per process ...
      "name": "kept-alive-server", // Required
      "cmd": ["deno", "run", "--allow-read", "./examples/basic/server.js"], // Required
      "autostart": true, // default undefined, process will not autostart by default
      "restart": "always", // default undefined, process will not restart by default
      "restartDelayMs": 10000 // default 10000
      "name": "periodic-example-task",
      "cmd": ["deno", "run", "--allow-read", "./examples/basic/task.js"],
      "startPattern": "*/5 * * * * *", // default undefined
      // Same options as global logger, except "colors" is not available per process
      "logger": {
        // Do not log this process to console
        "console": false,
        // Do not decorate log lines with time, initior etc. Leave as is.
        "decorateFiles": false, // default true
        // Write logs to separate files, if stderr were omitted, stderr would be written to the file defined by stdout
        // Files will be written to the working directory of pup if the path is not absolute
        "stdout": "periodic-example-task.log",
        "stderr": "periodic-example-task.error.log"


In this example, we define a process called server-task. We specify the command to start the process using an array of strings. We set it to start immediately, and to restart after 10 seconds after quitting for whatever reason.

We also define a complementary process which is launched every 10 seconds using a cron pattern.

Full example available at /examples/basic

Running the example

Change working dir to the example directory containg a couple of scripts and pup.jsonc

cd /examples/basic

Start pup by running the command pup. If you have not yet installed pup, you can run it from this repository like this.

deno run -A ../../pup.ts

server.js will start instantly, and will restart automatically 10 seconds after exiting. task.js will start every tenth second according to cron pattern */10 * * * * *


Pup example logs


Contributions to Pup are very welcome! Please read, fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request. We appreciate all feedback and contributions that help make Pup better.