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Universal process manager built in Deno
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/** * Exports application metadata as `{ Application }` * * The `Application` object provides metadata about the Pup application. * * Properties: * * - `name`: The name of the application (e.g., "pup"). * - `version`: The current version of the application (e.g., "1.0.0-beta.33"). * - `url`: The URL to access the released Pup source code for the specified version. $VERSION will be replaced by the value of the `version` property when used. * - `canary_url`: The URL to access the latest version of Pup in the `main` branch of the GitHub repository, used for the `canary` release channel. * - `deno`: Minimum stable version of Deno required to run Pup (without --unstable flag). Set to `null` if the current version cannot be run without `--unstable`. * - `deno_unstable`: Minimum version of Deno required to run Pup (with --unstable flag). This allows the user to run Pup with experimental features or using an older version of Deno. * - `repository`: The URL of the GitHub repository for Pup. * - `changelog`: The URL to the changelog for Pup. * * Current version information is automatically archived in `versions.json` at each build. * * @file application.meta.ts */
const Application = { name: "pup", version: "1.0.0-rc.36", url: "jsr:@pup/pup@$VERSION", canary_url: "", deno: null, /* Minimum stable version of Deno required to run Pup (without --unstable-* flags) */ deno_unstable: "1.42.0", /* Minimum version of Deno required to run Pup (with --unstable-* flags) */ repository: "", changelog: "", permissions: [ "--allow-env", "--allow-read", "--allow-write", "--allow-sys=loadavg,systemMemoryInfo,osUptime,osRelease,uid,gid", "--allow-net", "--allow-run", ],}
export { Application }