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class JSHandle
import { JSHandle } from "";

Represents a reference to a JavaScript object. Instances can be created using Page.evaluateHandle.

Handles prevent the referenced JavaScript object from being garbage-collected unless the handle is purposely JSHandle.dispose | disposed. JSHandles are auto-disposed when their associated frame is navigated away or the parent context gets destroyed.

Handles can be used as arguments for any evaluation function such as Page.$eval, Page.evaluate, and Page.evaluateHandle. They are resolved to their referenced object.


Example 1

const windowHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => window);


client: CDPSession,
remoteObject: Protocol.Runtime.RemoteObject,

Type Parameters

T = unknown


client: CDPSession
disposed: boolean
[__JSHandleSymbol]: T

Used for nominally typing JSHandle.


asElement(): ElementHandle<any> | null
dispose(): Promise<void>

Releases the object referenced by the handle for garbage collection.

evaluate<Params extends unknown[], Func extends EvaluateFunc<[this, ...Params]> = EvaluateFunc<[this, ...Params]>>(pageFunction: Func | string, ...args: Params): Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<Func>>>

Evaluates the given function with the current handle as its first argument.

evaluateHandle<Params extends unknown[], Func extends EvaluateFunc<[this, ...Params]> = EvaluateFunc<[this, ...Params]>>(pageFunction: Func | string, ...args: Params): Promise<HandleFor<Awaited<ReturnType<Func>>>>

Evaluates the given function with the current handle as its first argument.

getProperties(): Promise<Map<string, JSHandle>>

Gets a map of handles representing the properties of the current handle.

getProperty<K extends keyof T>(propertyName: HandleOr<K>): Promise<HandleFor<T[K]>>

Fetches a single property from the referenced object.

getProperty(propertyName: string): Promise<JSHandle<unknown>>
jsonValue(): Promise<T>
remoteObject(): Protocol.Runtime.RemoteObject

Provides access to the Protocol.Runtime.RemoteObject backing this handle.

toString(): string

Returns a string representation of the JSHandle.