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A port of puppeteer running on Deno
/** * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */import { Protocol } from "../../vendor/devtools-protocol/types/protocol.d.ts";import { CDPSession } from "./Connection.js";import { ElementHandle } from "./ElementHandle.js";import { CommonEventEmitter } from "./EventEmitter.js";import { ExecutionContext } from "./ExecutionContext.js";import { JSHandle } from "./JSHandle.js";/** * @internal */export declare const debugError: (...args: unknown[]) => void;/** * @internal */export declare function getExceptionMessage( exceptionDetails: Protocol.Runtime.ExceptionDetails,): string;/** * @internal */export declare function valueFromRemoteObject( remoteObject: Protocol.Runtime.RemoteObject,): any;/** * @internal */export declare function releaseObject( client: CDPSession, remoteObject: Protocol.Runtime.RemoteObject,): Promise<void>;/** * @internal */export interface PuppeteerEventListener { emitter: CommonEventEmitter; eventName: string | symbol; handler: (...args: any[]) => void;}/** * @internal */export declare function addEventListener( emitter: CommonEventEmitter, eventName: string | symbol, handler: (...args: any[]) => void,): PuppeteerEventListener;/** * @internal */export declare function removeEventListeners( listeners: Array<{ emitter: CommonEventEmitter; eventName: string | symbol; handler: (...args: any[]) => void; }>,): void;/** * @internal */export declare const isString: (obj: unknown) => obj is string;/** * @internal */export declare const isNumber: (obj: unknown) => obj is number;/** * @internal */export declare function waitForEvent<T>( emitter: CommonEventEmitter, eventName: string | symbol, predicate: (event: T) => Promise<boolean> | boolean, timeout: number, abortPromise: Promise<Error>,): Promise<T>;/** * @internal */export declare function createJSHandle( context: ExecutionContext, remoteObject: Protocol.Runtime.RemoteObject,): JSHandle | ElementHandle<any>;/** * @internal */export declare function evaluationString( fun: Function | string, ...args: unknown[]): string;/** * @internal */export declare function pageBindingInitString( type: string, name: string,): string;/** * @internal */export declare function pageBindingDeliverResultString( name: string, seq: number, result: unknown,): string;/** * @internal */export declare function pageBindingDeliverErrorString( name: string, seq: number, message: string, stack?: string,): string;/** * @internal */export declare function pageBindingDeliverErrorValueString( name: string, seq: number, value: unknown,): string;/** * @internal */export declare function makePredicateString( predicate: Function, predicateQueryHandler: Function,): string;/** * @internal */export declare function waitWithTimeout<T>( promise: Promise<T>, taskName: string, timeout: number,): Promise<T>;/** * @internal */export declare function getReadableStreamAsUint8Array( readable: ReadableStream, path?: string,): Promise<Uint8Array | null>;/** * @internal */export declare function getReadableStreamFromProtocolStream( client: CDPSession, handle: string,): Promise<ReadableStream>;