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🐍 Python interpreter bindings for Deno and Bun.
// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-any no-fallthrough
import { py } from "./ffi.ts";import { cstr, SliceItemRegExp } from "./util.ts";
const refregistry = new FinalizationRegistry(py.Py_DecRef);
/** * Symbol used on proxied Python objects to point to the original PyObject object. * Can be used to implement PythonProxy and create your own proxies. * * See `PyObject#proxy` for more info on proxies. */export const ProxiedPyObject = Symbol("ProxiedPyObject");
/** * Proxied Python object. * * When an object implements this interface, the object will not be converted * to a Python Object and the original PyObject will be used. */export interface PythonProxy { [ProxiedPyObject]: PyObject;}
/** * JS types that can be converted to Python Objects. * * - `number` becomes `int` or `float` depending on its value. * If you need to specifically use `float` or `int`, use the * `python.float` or `` classes, like: * `python.float(42.0)`. Note that they become PyObjects, * not JS values but are still easily passable to Python. * * - `bigint` currently is casted as number and then transformed * to `int` Python type. * * - `null` and `undefined` becomes `None` in Python. Note that when * calling `valueOf` on PyObject, it is always `null`. * * - `boolean` becomes `bool` in Python. * * - `string` and `Symbol` becomes `str` in Python. * * - `Array` becomes `list` in Python. * * - `Map` and other objects becomes `dict` in Python. Note that when * calling `valueOf` on PyObject, it is always `Map` because JS object * can only have string keys, while Python dict can have any type. * * - `Set` becomes `set` in Python. * * - `Callback` (custom type) becomes a Python function. First argument * passed is an object containing kwargs and rest arguments are * positional. * * If you pass a PyObject, it is used as-is. * * If you pass a PythonProxy, its original PyObject will be used. */export type PythonConvertible = | number | bigint | void | null | undefined | boolean | PyObject | string // deno-lint-ignore ban-types | Symbol | PythonProxy | PythonConvertible[] | { [key: string]: PythonConvertible } | Map<PythonConvertible, PythonConvertible> | Set<PythonConvertible> | Callback;
export type PythonJSCallback = ( kwargs: any, ...args: any[]) => PythonConvertible;
/** * An argument that can be passed to PyObject calls to indicate that the * argument should be passed as a named one. * * It is allowed to pass named argument like this along with the `named` arg in * `PyObject#call` because of the use in proxy objects. */export class NamedArgument { name: string; value: PyObject;
constructor(name: string, value: PythonConvertible) { = name; this.value = PyObject.from(value); }}
/** * Template Tag to create Keyword Arguments easily * * Ex: * * ```ts * some_python_function(kw`name=${value}`); * ``` */export function kw( strings: TemplateStringsArray, value: PythonConvertible,): NamedArgument { return new NamedArgument(strings[0].split("=")[0].trim(), value);}
/** * Wraps a JS function into Python callback which can be * passed to Python land. It must be destroyed explicitly * to free up resources on Rust-side. * * Example: * ```ts * // Creating * const add = new Callback((_, a: number, b: number) => { * return a + b; * }); * // or * const add = new Callback((kw: { a: number, b: number }) => { * return kw.a + kw.b; * }); * * // Usage * some_python_func(add); * * // Destroy * add.destroy(); * ``` */export class Callback { unsafe;
constructor(public callback: PythonJSCallback) { this.unsafe = new Deno.UnsafeCallback( { parameters: ["pointer", "pointer", "pointer"], result: "pointer", }, ( _self: Deno.PointerValue, args: Deno.PointerValue, kwargs: Deno.PointerValue, ) => { return PyObject.from(callback( kwargs === null ? {} : Object.fromEntries( new PyObject(kwargs).asDict() .entries(), ), ...(args === null ? [] : new PyObject(args).valueOf()), )).handle; }, ); }
destroy() { this.unsafe.close(); }}
/** * Represents a Python object. * * It can be anything, like an int, a string, a list, a dict, etc. and * even a module itself. * * Normally, you will deal with proxied PyObjects, which are basically JS * objects but the get, set, etc. methods you perform on them are actually * proxied to Python interpreter API. * * In case you need access to actual PyObject (which this module does too, * internally), there's a Symbol on Proxied PyObjects `ProxiedPyObject` * that is exported from this module too. It contains reference to `PyObject`. * * Both proxied PyObject and normal PyObject implement some basic methods like * `valueOf`, `toString` and Deno inspect to provide pretty-printing, and also * a way to cast Python values as JS types using `valueOf`. For caveats on `valueOf`, * see its documentation. * * Do not construct this manually, as it takes an Unsafe Pointer pointing to the * C PyObject. */export class PyObject { /** * A Python callabale object as Uint8Array * This is used with `PyCFunction_NewEx` in order to extend its liftime and not allow v8 to release it before its actually used */ #pyMethodDef?: Uint8Array; constructor(public handle: Deno.PointerValue) {}
/** * Check if the object is NULL (pointer) or None type in Python. */ get isNone() { // deno-lint-ignore ban-ts-comment // @ts-expect-error return this.handle === null || this.handle === 0 || this.handle === python.None[ProxiedPyObject].handle; }
/** * Increases ref count of the object and returns it. */ get owned(): PyObject { py.Py_IncRef(this.handle); refregistry.register(this, this.handle); return this; }
/** * Creates proxy object that maps basic JS operations on objects * such as gets, sets, function calls, has, etc. to Python interpreter API. * This makes using Python APIs in JS less cumbersome. * * Usually, you will deal with proxied PyObjects because they're easier to interact with. * If you somehow need the actual `PyObject`, refer to it's documentation. * * To keep it consistent, proxied objects' further get calls return proxy objects only, * so you can safely chain them. But for instance, if you made a call to a method that * returns a Python list using proxy object, you can call `.valueOf()` on it to turn it into * a JS Array. * * What you can do on proxy objects: * * - Call them, if they are a function. An error will be thrown otherwise. * * - Get their attributes. Such as get `lower` attribute on a `str` object. * This same thing is used to get values of given gets in `dict`s as well. * But the thing is, preference is given to attributes, if its not found, * then we try to look for `dict` key. We could not differentiate normal * property access like with `something[indexed]` in JS, * so they are done on same thing. In case this is not viable for you, * you can call the `get` method on the proxy object, which maps to `dict`'s * `get` method of course. * Just like dicts, this works for lists/tuples too - in order to return * elements based on index. * In special cases, this get accessor returns actual proxy methods, * such as `toString`, `valueOf`, etc. Either way, preference is given to * Python object first. So only if they do not have these attributes, * we return the JS functions. * * - Set their attributes. Same as the "get" proxy behavior described above, * but instead to set attribute / dict key / list index. * * - There's also this has accessor on proxy objects, which is basically like * `in` operator in Python. It checks if attribute/dict key exists in the * object. */ get proxy(): any { // deno-lint-ignore no-this-alias const scope = this; // Not using arrow function here because it disallows // `new` operator being used. function object(...args: any[]) { return; }
Object.defineProperty(object, Symbol.for("Deno.customInspect"), { value: () => this.toString(), });
Object.defineProperty(object, Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom"), { value: () => this.toString(), });
Object.defineProperty(object, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: () => this.toString(), });
Object.defineProperty(object, Symbol.iterator, { value: () => this[Symbol.iterator](), });
Object.defineProperty(object, ProxiedPyObject, { value: this, enumerable: false, });
Object.defineProperty(object, "toString", { value: () => this.toString(), });
Object.defineProperty(object, "valueOf", { value: () => this.valueOf(), });
// Proxied object must be a function in order for it // to be callable. We cannot just define `apply`. return new Proxy(object, { get: (_, name) => { // For the symbols. if ((typeof name === "symbol") && name in object) { return (object as any)[name]; }
if (typeof name === "string" && /^\d+$/.test(name)) { if (this.isInstance(python.list) || this.isInstance(python.tuple)) { const item = py.PyList_GetItem( this.handle, parseInt(name), ); if (item !== null) { return new PyObject(item).proxy; } } }
if (typeof name === "string" && isSlice(name)) { const slice = toSlice(name); const item = py.PyObject_GetItem( this.handle, slice.handle, ); if (item !== null) { return new PyObject(item).proxy; } }
// Don't wanna throw errors when accessing properties. const attr = this.maybeGetAttr(String(name))?.proxy;
// For non-symbol properties, we prioritize returning the attribute. if (attr === undefined) { if (name in object) { return (object as any)[name]; } else if (typeof name === "string" && this.isInstance(python.dict)) { const value = py.PyDict_GetItemString( this.handle, cstr(name), ); if (value !== null) { return new PyObject(value).proxy; } } } else { return attr; } },
set: (_, name, value) => { name = String(name); if (this.hasAttr(name)) { this.setAttr(String(name), value); return true; } else if (this.isInstance(python.dict)) { py.PyDict_SetItemString( this.handle, cstr(name), PyObject.from(value).handle, ); return true; } else if ((this.isInstance(python.list)) && /^\d+$/.test(name)) { py.PyList_SetItem( this.handle, Number(name), PyObject.from(value).handle, ); return true; } else if (isSlice(name)) { const slice = toSlice(name); py.PyObject_SetItem( this.handle, slice.handle, PyObject.from(value).handle, ); return true; } else { return false; } },
has: (_, name) => { if (typeof name === "symbol" && name in object) { return true; }
name = String(name);
return this.hasAttr(name) || (this.isInstance(python.dict) && this.proxy.__contains__(name).valueOf()) || name in object; }, }) as any; }
/** * Calls Python `isinstance` function. */ isInstance(cls: PythonConvertible): boolean { return py.PyObject_IsInstance(this.handle, PyObject.from(cls).handle) !== 0; }
/** * Performs an equals operation on the Python object. */ equals(rhs: PythonConvertible) { const rhsObject = PyObject.from(rhs); return py.PyObject_RichCompareBool(this.handle, rhsObject.handle, 3); }
/** * Creates a new Python object from the given JS value. * * Only functions are not supported. * * @param v JS Value * @returns Python object */ static from<T extends PythonConvertible>(v: T): PyObject { switch (typeof v) { case "boolean": { return new PyObject( py.PyBool_FromLong(v ? 1 : 0), ); }
case "number": { if (Number.isInteger(v)) { return new PyObject(py.PyLong_FromLong(v)); } else { return new PyObject(py.PyFloat_FromDouble(v)); } }
case "bigint": { // TODO return new PyObject( py.PyLong_FromLong(Number(v)), ); }
case "object": { if (v === null /*or void*/) { return python.builtins.None[ProxiedPyObject]; } else if (ProxiedPyObject in v) { const proxy = v as PythonProxy; return proxy[ProxiedPyObject]; } else if (Array.isArray(v)) { const list = py.PyList_New(v.length); for (let i = 0; i < v.length; i++) { py.PyList_SetItem(list, i, PyObject.from(v[i]).owned.handle); } return new PyObject(list); } else if (v instanceof Callback) { const pyMethodDef = new Uint8Array(8 + 8 + 4 + 8); const view = new DataView(pyMethodDef.buffer); const LE = new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array([0x12345678]).buffer)[0] !== 0x7; const nameBuf = new TextEncoder().encode( "JSCallback:" + ( || "anonymous") + "\0", ); view.setBigUint64( 0, BigInt(Deno.UnsafePointer.value(Deno.UnsafePointer.of(nameBuf)!)), LE, ); view.setBigUint64( 8, BigInt(Deno.UnsafePointer.value(v.unsafe.pointer)), LE, ); view.setInt32(16, 0x1 | 0x2, LE); view.setBigUint64( 20, BigInt(Deno.UnsafePointer.value(Deno.UnsafePointer.of(nameBuf)!)), LE, ); const fn = py.PyCFunction_NewEx( pyMethodDef, PyObject.from(null).handle, null, );
// NOTE: we need to extend `pyMethodDef` lifetime // Otherwise V8 can release it before the callback is called const pyObject = new PyObject(fn); pyObject.#pyMethodDef = pyMethodDef; return pyObject; } else if (v instanceof PyObject) { return v; } else if (v instanceof Set) { const set = py.PySet_New(null); for (const i of v) { const item = PyObject.from(i); py.PySet_Add(set, item.owned.handle); py.Py_DecRef(item.handle); } return new PyObject(set); } else { const dict = py.PyDict_New(); for ( const [key, value] of (v instanceof Map ? v.entries() : Object.entries(v)) ) { const keyObj = PyObject.from(key); const valueObj = PyObject.from(value); py.PyDict_SetItem( dict, keyObj.owned.handle, valueObj.owned.handle, ); py.Py_DecRef(keyObj.handle); py.Py_DecRef(valueObj.handle); } return new PyObject(dict); } }
case "symbol": case "string": { const str = String(v); const encoder = new TextEncoder(); const u8 = encoder.encode(str); return new PyObject( py.PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8( u8, u8.byteLength, null, ), ); }
case "undefined": { return PyObject.from(null); }
case "function": { if (ProxiedPyObject in v) { return (v as any)[ProxiedPyObject]; } }
default: throw new TypeError(`Unsupported type: ${typeof v}`); } }
/** * Tries to get the attribute, returns undefined otherwise. * * @param name Name of the attribute. * @returns Python object */ maybeGetAttr(name: string): PyObject | undefined { const obj = new PyObject( py.PyObject_GetAttrString(this.handle, cstr(name)), ); if (obj.handle === null) { py.PyErr_Clear(); return undefined; } else { return obj; } }
/** * Same as maybeGetAttr, but throws an error if the attribute is not found. */ getAttr(name: string): PyObject { const obj = this.maybeGetAttr(name); if (obj === undefined) { throw new Error(`Attribute '${name}' not found`); } else { return obj; } }
/** * Tries to set the attribute, throws an error otherwise. */ setAttr(name: string, v: PythonConvertible) { if ( py.PyObject_SetAttrString( this.handle, cstr(name), PyObject.from(v).handle, ) !== 0 ) { maybeThrowError(); } }
/** Checks if Python object has an attribute of given name. */ hasAttr(attr: string) { return py.PyObject_HasAttrString(this.handle, cstr(attr)) !== 0; }
/** * Casts a Bool Python object as JS Boolean value. */ asBoolean() { return py.PyLong_AsLong(this.handle) === 1; }
/** * Casts a Int Python object as JS Number value. */ asLong() { return py.PyLong_AsLong(this.handle) as number; }
/** * Casts a Float (Double) Python object as JS Number value. */ asDouble() { return py.PyFloat_AsDouble(this.handle) as number; }
/** * Casts a String Python object as JS String value. */ asString() { const str = py.PyUnicode_AsUTF8(this.handle); return str !== null ? Deno.UnsafePointerView.getCString(str) : null; }
/** * Casts a List Python object as JS Array value. */ asArray() { const array: PythonConvertible[] = []; for (const i of this) { array.push(i.valueOf()); } return array; }
/** * Casts a Dict Python object as JS Map value. * * Note: `from` supports converting both Map and Object to Python Dict. * But this only supports returning a Map. */ asDict() { const dict = new Map<PythonConvertible, PythonConvertible>(); const keys = py.PyDict_Keys(this.handle); const length = py.PyList_Size(keys) as number; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { const key = new PyObject( py.PyList_GetItem(keys, i), ); const value = new PyObject( py.PyDict_GetItem(this.handle, key.handle), ); dict.set(key.valueOf(), value.valueOf()); } return dict; }
*[Symbol.iterator]() { const iter = py.PyObject_GetIter(this.handle); let item = py.PyIter_Next(iter); while (item !== null) { yield new PyObject(item); item = py.PyIter_Next(iter); } py.Py_DecRef(iter); }
/** * Casts a Set Python object as JS Set object. */ asSet() { const set = new Set(); for (const i of this) { set.add(i.valueOf()); } return set; }
/** * Casts a Tuple Python object as JS Array value. */ asTuple() { const tuple = new Array<PythonConvertible>(); const length = py.PyTuple_Size(this.handle) as number; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { tuple.push( new PyObject(py.PyTuple_GetItem(this.handle, i)) .valueOf(), ); } return tuple; }
/** * Tries to guess the value of the Python object. * * Only primitives are casted as JS value type, otherwise returns * a proxy to Python object. */ valueOf() { const type = py.PyObject_Type(this.handle);
if (Deno.UnsafePointer.equals(type, python.None[ProxiedPyObject].handle)) { return null; } else if ( Deno.UnsafePointer.equals(type, python.bool[ProxiedPyObject].handle) ) { return this.asBoolean(); } else if ( Deno.UnsafePointer.equals(type,[ProxiedPyObject].handle) ) { return this.asLong(); } else if ( Deno.UnsafePointer.equals(type, python.float[ProxiedPyObject].handle) ) { return this.asDouble(); } else if ( Deno.UnsafePointer.equals(type, python.str[ProxiedPyObject].handle) ) { return this.asString(); } else if ( Deno.UnsafePointer.equals(type, python.list[ProxiedPyObject].handle) ) { return this.asArray(); } else if ( Deno.UnsafePointer.equals(type, python.dict[ProxiedPyObject].handle) ) { return this.asDict(); } else if ( Deno.UnsafePointer.equals(type, python.set[ProxiedPyObject].handle) ) { return this.asSet(); } else if ( Deno.UnsafePointer.equals(type, python.tuple[ProxiedPyObject].handle) ) { return this.asTuple(); } else { return this.proxy; } }
/** * Call the PyObject as a Python function. */ call( positional: (PythonConvertible | NamedArgument)[] = [], named: Record<string, PythonConvertible> = {}, ) { // count named arguments const namedCount = positional.filter( (arg) => arg instanceof NamedArgument, ).length;
const positionalCount = positional.length - namedCount; if (positionalCount < 0) { throw new TypeError( `${this.toString()} requires at least ${namedCount} arguments, but only ${positional.length} were passed`, ); }
const args = py.PyTuple_New(positionalCount);
let startIndex = 0; for (let i = 0; i < positional.length; i++) { const arg = positional[i]; if (arg instanceof NamedArgument) { named[] = arg.value; } else { py.PyTuple_SetItem(args, startIndex++, PyObject.from(arg).owned.handle); } } const kwargs = py.PyDict_New(); for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(named)) { py.PyDict_SetItemString( kwargs, cstr(key), PyObject.from(value).owned.handle, ); } const result = py.PyObject_Call( this.handle, args, kwargs, );
py.Py_DecRef(args); py.Py_DecRef(kwargs);
return new PyObject(result); }
/** * Returns `str` representation of the Python object. */ toString() { return new PyObject(py.PyObject_Str(this.handle)) .asString(); }
[Symbol.for("Deno.customInspect")]() { return this.toString(); }
[Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom")]() { return this.toString(); }}
/** Python-related error. */export class PythonError extends Error { name = "PythonError";
constructor( public type: PyObject, public value: PyObject, public traceback: PyObject, ) { let message = (value ?? type).toString() ?? "Unknown error"; let stack: string | undefined; if (!traceback.isNone) { const tb = python.import("traceback"); stack = (tb.format_tb(traceback).valueOf() as string[]).join(""); message += stack; }
super(message); this.stack = stack; }}
/** * Checks if there's any error set, throws it if there is. */export function maybeThrowError() { const error = py.PyErr_Occurred(); if (error === null) { return; }
const pointers = new BigUint64Array(3); py.PyErr_Fetch( pointers.subarray(0, 1), pointers.subarray(1, 2), pointers.subarray(2, 3), );
const type = new PyObject(Deno.UnsafePointer.create(pointers[0])), value = new PyObject(Deno.UnsafePointer.create(pointers[1])), traceback = new PyObject(Deno.UnsafePointer.create(pointers[2]));
throw new PythonError(type, value, traceback);}
/** * Python interface. Do not construct directly, use `python` instead. */export class Python { /** Built-ins module. */ builtins: any; /** Python `bool` class proxied object */ bool: any; /** Python `int` class proxied object */ int: any; /** Python `float` class proxied object */ float: any; /** Python `str` class proxied object */ str: any; /** Python `list` class proxied object */ list: any; /** Python `dict` class proxied object */ dict: any; /** Python `set` class proxied object */ set: any; /** Python `tuple` class proxied object */ tuple: any; /** Python `None` type proxied object */ None: any; /** Python `Ellipsis` type proxied object */ Ellipsis: any;
/** Shortcut to kw function (template string tag) */ kw = kw;
constructor() { py.Py_Initialize(); this.builtins = this.import("builtins"); =; this.float = this.builtins.float; this.str = this.builtins.str; this.list = this.builtins.list; this.dict = this.builtins.dict; this.None = this.builtins.None; this.bool = this.builtins.bool; this.set = this.builtins.set; this.tuple = this.builtins.tuple; this.Ellipsis = this.builtins.Ellipsis;
// Initialize arguments and executable path, // since some modules expect them to be set.
const sys = this.import("sys"); const os = this.import("os");
sys.argv = [""];
if ( === "darwin") { sys.executable = os.path.join(sys.exec_prefix, "bin", "python3"); } }
/** * Runs Python script from the given string. */ run(code: string) { if (py.PyRun_SimpleString(cstr(code)) !== 0) { throw new EvalError("Failed to run python code"); } }
/** * Runs Python script as a module and returns its module object, * for using its attributes, functions, classes, etc. from JavaScript. */ runModule(code: string, name?: string) { const module = py.PyImport_ExecCodeModule( cstr(name ?? "__main__"), PyObject.from( this.builtins.compile(code, name ?? "__main__", "exec"), ) .handle, ); if (module === null) { throw new EvalError("Failed to run python module"); } return new PyObject(module)?.proxy; }
/** * Import a module as PyObject. */ importObject(name: string) { const mod = py.PyImport_ImportModule(cstr(name)); if (mod === null) { maybeThrowError(); throw new TypeError(`Failed to import module ${name}`); } return new PyObject(mod); }
/** * Import a Python module as a proxy object. */ import(name: string) { return this.importObject(name).proxy; }
/** Shortcut to create Callback instance. */ callback(cb: PythonJSCallback): Callback { return new Callback(cb); }}
/** * Python interface. * * Most of the time, you will use `import` on this object, * and also make use of some common built-ins attached to * this object, such as `str`, `int`, `tuple`, etc. */export const python = new Python();
/** * Returns true if the value can be converted into a Python slice or * slice tuple. */function isSlice(value: unknown): boolean { if (typeof value !== "string") return false; if (!value.includes(":") && !value.includes("...")) return false; return value .split(",") .map((item) => ( SliceItemRegExp.test(item) || // Slice /^\s*-?\d+\s*$/.test(item) || // Number /^\s*\.\.\.\s*$/.test(item) // Ellipsis )) .reduce((a, b) => a && b, true);}
/** * Returns a PyObject that is either a slice or a tuple of slices. */function toSlice(sliceList: string): PyObject { if (sliceList.includes(",")) { const pySlicesHandle = sliceList.split(",").map(toSlice); return python.tuple(pySlicesHandle)[ProxiedPyObject]; } else if (/^\s*-?\d+\s*$/.test(sliceList)) { return PyObject.from(parseInt(sliceList)); } else if (/^\s*\.\.\.\s*$/.test(sliceList)) { return PyObject.from(python.Ellipsis); } else { const [start, stop, step] = sliceList .split(":") .map(( bound, ) => (/^\s*-?\d+\s*$/.test(bound) ? parseInt(bound) : undefined));
const pySliceHandle = py.PySlice_New( PyObject.from(start).handle, PyObject.from(stop).handle, PyObject.from(step).handle, ); return new PyObject(pySliceHandle); }}