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Fast, lightweight Redis client library for Deno.
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import { sendCommand } from "./mod.ts";import { createServerProcess } from "./test.ts";import { connect } from "./deps.ts";
await createServerProcess();const redisConn = await Deno.connect({ port: 6379 });const redis = await connect({ hostname: "", port: 6379,});
Deno.bench({ name: "r2d2: PING", group: "PING", baseline: true, async fn() { await sendCommand(redisConn, ["PING"]); },});
Deno.bench({ name: "deno-redis: PING", group: "PING", async fn() { await; },});
Deno.bench({ name: "r2d2: SET and GET", group: "SET and GET", baseline: true, async fn() { await sendCommand(redisConn, ["SET", "mykey", "Hello"]); await sendCommand(redisConn, ["GET", "mykey"]); },});
Deno.bench({ name: "deno-redis: SET and GET", group: "SET and GET", async fn() { await redis.sendCommand("SET", "mykey", "Hello"); await redis.sendCommand("GET", "mykey"); },});
Deno.bench({ name: "r2d2: MSET and MGET", group: "MSET and MGET", baseline: true, async fn() { await sendCommand(redisConn, ["MSET", "a", "foo", "b", "bar"]); await sendCommand(redisConn, ["MGET", "a", "b"]); },});
Deno.bench({ name: "deno-redis: MSET and MGET", group: "MSET and MGET", async fn() { await redis.mset({ a: "foo", b: "bar" }); await redis.mget("a", "b"); },});