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Fast, lightweight Redis client library for Deno.
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import { BufReader, writeAll } from "./deps.ts";
/** Redis command, which is an array of arguments. */export type Command = (string | number)[];/** Parsed Redis reply */export type Reply = string | number | null | Reply[];
const CRLF = "\r\n";const encoder = new TextEncoder();const decoder = new TextDecoder();
function removePrefix(line: string): string { return line.slice(1);}
async function readLine(bufReader: BufReader): Promise<string | null> { const result = await bufReader.readLine(); return decoder.decode(result?.line) ?? null;}
/** * Transforms a command, which is an array of arguments, into an RESP request string. * * See {@link} */function createRequest(command: Command): string { let request = "*" + command.length + CRLF; for (const arg of command) { request += "$" + arg.toString().length + CRLF; request += arg + CRLF; } return request;}
async function writeRequest( redisConn: Deno.Conn, request: string,): Promise<void> { await writeAll(redisConn, encoder.encode(request));}
/** * Just writes a command to the Redis server. * * Example: * ```ts * await writeCommand(redisConn, ["SHUTDOWN"]); * ``` */export async function writeCommand( redisConn: Deno.Conn, command: Command,): Promise<void> { await writeRequest(redisConn, createRequest(command));}
/** * Reads and processes the response line-by-line. * * See {@link} */async function readReply(bufReader: BufReader): Promise<Reply> { const line = await readLine(bufReader); if (line === null) { return await Promise.reject("No response received from Redis server"); } switch (line.charAt(0)) { /** Simple string */ case "+": return removePrefix(line); /** Error */ case "-": return await Promise.reject(removePrefix(line)); /** Integer */ case ":": return Number(removePrefix(line)); /** Bulk string */ case "$": return Number(removePrefix(line)) === -1 ? null : /** Skip to reading the next line, which is a string */ await readReply(bufReader); /** Array */ case "*": { const length = Number(removePrefix(line)); if (length === -1) { return null; } const array: Reply[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { array.push(await readReply(bufReader)); } return array; } /** No prefix */ default: return line; }}
/** * Sends a command to the Redis server and returns the parsed reply. * * Example: * ```ts * const redisConn = await Deno.connect({ port: 6379 }); * * // Returns "OK" * await sendCommand(redisConn, ["SET", "hello", "world"]); * * // Returns "world" * await sendCommand(redisConn, ["GET", "hello"]); * ``` */export async function sendCommand( redisConn: Deno.Conn, command: Command,): Promise<Reply> { await writeCommand(redisConn, command); return await readReply(new BufReader(redisConn));}
/** * Pipelines commands to the Redis server and returns the parsed replies. * * Example: * ```ts * const redisConn = await Deno.connect({ port: 6379 }); * * await pipelineCommands(redisConn, [ * ["INCR", "X"], * ["INCR", "X"], * ["INCR", "X"], * ["INCR", "X"], * ]); // Returns [1, 2, 3, 4] * ``` */export async function pipelineCommands( redisConn: Deno.Conn, commands: Command[],): Promise<Reply[]> { const request =""); await writeRequest(redisConn, request); const bufReader = new BufReader(redisConn); const replies: Reply[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < commands.length; i++) { replies.push(await readReply(bufReader)); } return replies;}
/** * Used for pub/sub. Listens for replies from the Redis server. * * Example: * ```ts * await writeCommand(redisConn, ["SUBSCRIBE", "mychannel"]); * * for await (const [_, channel, message] of listenReplies(redisConn)) { * // Prints ["subscribe", "mychannel", 1]; * console.log(`${channel} said ${message}`); * } * ``` */export async function* listenReplies( redisConn: Deno.Conn,): AsyncIterable<Reply> { const bufReader = new BufReader(redisConn); while (true) { yield await readReply(bufReader); }}