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Fast, simple and lightweight Redis client library for Deno.
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import { assertEquals, assertRejects,} from "";import { StringReader } from "";import { StringWriter } from "";import { readStringDelim } from "";
import { type Command, pipelineCommands, readReplies, readReply, type Reply, sendCommand, writeCommand,} from "./mod.ts";
/** * Sections: * 1. Request * 2. Reply * 3. Combined */
/** 1. Request */
Deno.test("write command", async () => { const writer = new StringWriter(); await writeCommand(writer, ["LLEN", "mylist", 42]); assertEquals( writer.toString(), "*3\r\n$4\r\nLLEN\r\n$6\r\nmylist\r\n$2\r\n42\r\n", );});
/** 2. Reply */
const CRLF = "\r\n";
async function readReplyTest(output: string, expected: Reply) { assertEquals( await readReply(readStringDelim(new StringReader(output), CRLF)), expected, );}
async function readReplyRejectTest(output: string, expected: string) { await assertRejects( async () => await readReply(readStringDelim(new StringReader(output), CRLF)), expected, );}
Deno.test("mixed array", async () => await readReplyTest("*3\r\n$5\r\nstring\r\n:123\r\n$-1", [ "string", 123, null, ]));
Deno.test("empty array", async () => await readReplyTest("*0\r\n", []));
Deno.test("null array", async () => await readReplyTest("*-1\r\n", null));
Deno.test("nested array", async () => await readReplyTest("*2\r\n*3\r\n:1\r\n$5\r\nhello\r\n:2\r\n#f\r\n", [[ 1, "hello", 2, ], false]));
Deno.test("attribute", async () => { await readReplyTest( "|1\r\n+key-popularity\r\n%2\r\n$1\r\na\r\n,0.1923\r\n$1\r\nb\r\n,0.0012\r\n*2\r\n:2039123\r\n:9543892\r\n", [2039123, 9543892], ); await readReplyTest("*3\r\n:1\r\n:2\r\n|1\r\n+ttl\r\n:3600\r\n:3\r\n", [ 1, 2, 3, ]);});
Deno.test("positive big number", async () => await readReplyTest( "(3492890328409238509324850943850943825024385\r\n", 3492890328409238509324850943850943825024385n, ));
Deno.test("negative big number", async () => await readReplyTest( "(-3492890328409238509324850943850943825024385\r\n", -3492890328409238509324850943850943825024385n, ));
Deno.test("true boolean", async () => await readReplyTest("#t\r\n", true));
Deno.test("false boolean", async () => await readReplyTest("#f\r\n", false));
Deno.test("integer", async () => await readReplyTest(":42\r\n", 42));
Deno.test("bulk string", async () => await readReplyTest("$5\r\nhello\r\n", "hello"));
Deno.test("emtpy bulk string", async () => await readReplyTest("$0\r\n\r\n", ""));
Deno.test("null bulk string", async () => await readReplyTest("$-1\r\n", null));
Deno.test("blob error", async () => { await readReplyRejectTest( "!21\r\nSYNTAX invalid syntax\r\n", "SYNTAX invalid syntax", );});
Deno.test("error", async () => { await readReplyRejectTest( "-ERR this is the error description\r\n", "ERR this is the error description", );});
Deno.test("double", async () => await readReplyTest(",1.23\r\n", 1.23));
Deno.test("positive infinity double", async () => await readReplyTest(",inf\r\n", Infinity));
Deno.test("negative infinity double", async () => await readReplyTest(",-inf\r\n", -Infinity));
Deno.test("map", async () => await readReplyTest("%2\r\n+first\r\n:1\r\n+second\r\n:2\r\n", { first: 1, second: 2, }));
Deno.test("null", async () => await readReplyTest("_\r\n", null));
Deno.test("push", async () => { await readReplyTest( ">4\r\n+pubsub\r\n+message\r\n+somechannel\r\n+this is the message\r\n", ["pubsub", "message", "somechannel", "this is the message"], );});
Deno.test("set", async () => { await readReplyTest( "~5\r\n+orange\r\n+apple\r\n#t\r\n:100\r\n:999\r\n", new Set(["orange", "apple", true, 100, 999]), );});
Deno.test("simple string", async () => await readReplyTest("+OK\r\n", "OK"));
Deno.test("streamed string", async () => { await readReplyTest( "$?\r\n;4\r\nHell\r\n;5\r\no wor\r\n;1\r\nd\r\n;0\r\n", "Hello word", );});
/** @todo test more complex case */Deno.test("streamed array", async () => { await readReplyTest("*?\r\n:1\r\n:2\r\n:3\r\n.\r\n", [1, 2, 3]);});
Deno.test("streamed set", async () => { await readReplyTest( "~?\r\n+a\r\n:1\r\n+b\r\n:2\r\n.\r\n", new Set(["a", 1, "b", 2]), );});
Deno.test("streamed map", async () => { await readReplyTest("%?\r\n+a\r\n:1\r\n+b\r\n:2\r\n.\r\n", { a: 1, b: 2 });});
Deno.test("verbatim string", async () => { await readReplyTest("=15\r\ntxt:Some string\r\n", "txt:Some string");});
Deno.test("large reply", async () => { const reply = "a".repeat(4096 * 2); await readReplyTest(`$${reply.length}\r\n${reply}\r\n`, reply);});
/** 3. Combined */
const PORT = 6379;const redisConn = await Deno.connect({ port: PORT });
await sendCommand(redisConn, ["FLUSHALL"]);
async function sendCommandTest( command: Command, expected: Reply,): Promise<void> { assertEquals(await sendCommand(redisConn, command), expected);}
Deno.test("transactions", async () => { await sendCommandTest(["MULTI"], "OK"); await sendCommandTest(["INCR", "FOO"], "QUEUED"); await sendCommandTest(["INCR", "BAR"], "QUEUED"); await sendCommandTest(["EXEC"], [1, 1]);});
Deno.test("pipelining", async () => { assertEquals( await pipelineCommands(redisConn, [ ["INCR", "X"], ["INCR", "X"], ["INCR", "X"], ["INCR", "X"], ]), [1, 2, 3, 4], );});
Deno.test("write-only and listening", async () => { await writeCommand(redisConn, ["SUBSCRIBE", "mychannel"]); const iterator = readReplies(redisConn); assertEquals(await, { value: ["subscribe", "mychannel", 1], done: false, }); await writeCommand(redisConn, ["UNSUBSCRIBE"]); assertEquals(await, { value: ["unsubscribe", "mychannel", 0], done: false, });});
Deno.test("RESP3", async () => { await sendCommand(redisConn, ["HELLO", 3]); await sendCommandTest(["HSET", "hash3", "foo", 1, "bar", 2], 2); await sendCommandTest(["HGETALL", "hash3"], { foo: "1", bar: "2", });});
addEventListener("unload", async () => { await sendCommand(redisConn, ["SHUTDOWN"]); redisConn.close();});