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Fast, lightweight Redis client library for Deno.
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import { connect } from "";import RedisImport from "npm:ioredis@5.2.4";import nodeRedis from "npm:redis@4.5.1";
import { pipelineCommands, sendCommand } from "./mod.ts";
const HOSTNAME = "";const PORT = 6379;
const redisConn = await Deno.connect({ hostname: HOSTNAME, port: PORT });const denoRedis = await connect({ hostname: HOSTNAME, port: PORT });/** TODO: remove when is fixed */// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyconst ioRedis = new (RedisImport as any as typeof RedisImport["default"])();
const nodeRedisClient = nodeRedis.createClient({ socket: { host: HOSTNAME } });await nodeRedisClient.connect();
Deno.bench({ name: "r2d2", baseline: true, async fn() { await sendCommand(redisConn, ["PING"]);
await sendCommand(redisConn, ["SET", "mykey", "Hello"]); await sendCommand(redisConn, ["GET", "mykey"]);
await sendCommand(redisConn, ["HSET", "hash", "a", "foo", "b", "bar"]); await sendCommand(redisConn, ["HGETALL", "hash"]);
await pipelineCommands(redisConn, [ ["INCR", "X"], ["INCR", "X"], ["INCR", "X"], ["INCR", "X"], ]); },});
Deno.bench({ name: "deno-redis", async fn() { await;
await denoRedis.set("mykey", "Hello"); await denoRedis.get("mykey");
await denoRedis.hset("hash", { a: "foo", b: "bar" }); await denoRedis.hgetall("hash");
const pl = denoRedis.pipeline(); pl.incr("X"); pl.incr("X"); pl.incr("X"); pl.incr("X"); await pl.flush(); },});
Deno.bench({ name: "npm:ioredis", async fn() { await;
await ioRedis.set("mykey", "Hello"); await ioRedis.get("mykey");
await ioRedis.hset("hash", { a: "foo", b: "bar" }); await ioRedis.hgetall("hash");
const pl = ioRedis.pipeline(); pl.incr("X"); pl.incr("X"); pl.incr("X"); pl.incr("X"); await pl.exec(); },});
Deno.bench({ name: "npm:redis", async fn() { await;
await nodeRedisClient.set("mykey", "Hello"); await nodeRedisClient.get("mykey");
await nodeRedisClient.hSet("hash", { a: "foo", b: "bar" }); await nodeRedisClient.hGetAll("hash");
/** Autopipelining */ await nodeRedisClient.incr("X"); await nodeRedisClient.incr("X"); await nodeRedisClient.incr("X"); await nodeRedisClient.incr("X"); },});
addEventListener("beforeunload", async () => { ioRedis.disconnect(); await nodeRedisClient.disconnect();});
addEventListener("unload", () => { denoRedis.close(); redisConn.close();});