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Fast, lightweight Redis client library for Deno.
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// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-anyimport { chunk } from "";import { BytesList } from "";
/** Redis command */export type Command = (string | number | Uint8Array)[];/** Redis reply */export type Reply = | string | number | null | boolean | BigInt | Record<string, any> | Reply[];
const encoder = new TextEncoder();const decoder = new TextDecoder();const CRLF = "\r\n";const CRLF_RAW = encoder.encode(CRLF);
const ARRAY_PREFIX = ARRAY_PREFIX_STRING.charCodeAt(0);const ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX = "|".charCodeAt(0);const BIG_NUMBER_PREFIX = "(".charCodeAt(0);const BLOB_ERROR_PREFIX = "!".charCodeAt(0);const BOOLEAN_PREFIX = "#".charCodeAt(0);const BULK_STRING_PREFIX = BULK_STRING_PREFIX_STRING.charCodeAt(0);const DOUBLE_PREFIX = ",".charCodeAt(0);const ERROR_PREFIX = "-".charCodeAt(0);const INTEGER_PREFIX = ":".charCodeAt(0);const MAP_PREFIX = "%".charCodeAt(0);const NULL_PREFIX = "_".charCodeAt(0);const PUSH_PREFIX = ">".charCodeAt(0);const SET_PREFIX = "~".charCodeAt(0);const SIMPLE_STRING_PREFIX = "+".charCodeAt(0);const VERBATIM_STRING_PREFIX = "=".charCodeAt(0);
/** 1. Request */
/** Copied from `` to avoid extrenous imports and maintenance. */async function writeAll(writer: Deno.Writer, bytes: Uint8Array) { let bytesWritten = 0; while (bytesWritten < bytes.byteLength) { bytesWritten += await writer.write(bytes.subarray(bytesWritten)); }}
function createRawRequest(command: Command): Uint8Array { const lines = new BytesList(); lines.add(encoder.encode(ARRAY_PREFIX_STRING + command.length + CRLF)); for (const arg of command) { const bytes = arg instanceof Uint8Array ? arg : encoder.encode(arg.toString()); lines.add( encoder.encode(BULK_STRING_PREFIX_STRING + bytes.byteLength + CRLF), ); lines.add(bytes); lines.add(encoder.encode(CRLF)); } return lines.concat();}
function createStringRequest(command: (string | number)[]): Uint8Array { let string = ARRAY_PREFIX_STRING + command.length + CRLF; for (const arg of command) { string += BULK_STRING_PREFIX_STRING + arg.toString().length + CRLF; string += arg + CRLF; } return encoder.encode(string);}
/** * Transforms a command, which is an array of arguments, into an RESP request. * * See {@link} */function createRequest(command: Command): Uint8Array { return command.some((arg) => arg instanceof Uint8Array) ? createRawRequest(command) : createStringRequest(command as (string | number)[]);}
/** * Just writes a command to the Redis server. * * Example: * ```ts * import { writeCommand } from "$VERSION/mod.ts"; * * const redisConn = await Deno.connect({ port: 6379 }); * * await writeCommand(redisConn, ["SHUTDOWN"]); * ``` */export async function writeCommand( writer: Deno.Writer, command: Command,): Promise<void> { await writeAll(writer, createRequest(command));}
/** 2. Reply */
/** Copied, then modified from `` to reduce extreneous code, uneeded functionality and maintenance. */async function* readLines( reader: Deno.Reader,): AsyncIterableIterator<Uint8Array> { // Avoid unicode problems const chunks = new BytesList(); const bufSize = 1024;
// Modified KMP let inspectIndex = 0; let matchIndex = 0; while (true) { const inspectArr = new Uint8Array(bufSize); const result = await; if (result === null) { return chunks.concat(); } chunks.add(inspectArr, 0, result); let localIndex = 0; while (inspectIndex < chunks.size()) { if (inspectArr[localIndex] === CRLF_RAW[matchIndex]) { inspectIndex++; localIndex++; matchIndex++; if (matchIndex === CRLF_RAW.length) { // Full match const readyBytes = chunks.slice(0, inspectIndex - CRLF_RAW.length); yield readyBytes; // Reset match, different from KMP. chunks.shift(inspectIndex); inspectIndex = 0; matchIndex = 0; } } else { inspectIndex++; localIndex++; } } }}
function removePrefix(line: Uint8Array): string { return decoder.decode(line.slice(1));}
function isSteamedReply(line: Uint8Array): boolean { return line[1] === STREAMED_REPLY_START_DELIMITER;}
function toObject(array: any[]): Record<string, any> { return Object.fromEntries(chunk(array, 2));}
async function readNReplies( length: number, iterator: AsyncIterableIterator<Uint8Array>, raw = false,): Promise<Reply[]> { const replies: Reply[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { replies.push(await readReply(iterator, raw)); } return replies;}
async function readStreamedReply( delimiter: string, iterator: AsyncIterableIterator<Uint8Array>, raw = false,): Promise<Reply[]> { const replies: Reply[] = []; while (true) { const reply = await readReply(iterator, raw); if (reply === delimiter) { break; } replies.push(reply); } return replies;}
async function readArray( line: Uint8Array, iterator: AsyncIterableIterator<Uint8Array>,): Promise<null | Reply[]> { const length = readNumber(line); return length === -1 ? null : await readNReplies(length, iterator);}
/** * Read but don't return attribute data. * * @todo include attribute data somehow */async function readAttribute( line: Uint8Array, iterator: AsyncIterableIterator<Uint8Array>, raw = false,): Promise<null | Reply> { await readMap(line, iterator); return await readReply(iterator, raw);}
function readBigNumber(line: Uint8Array): BigInt { return BigInt(removePrefix(line));}
async function readBlobError( iterator: AsyncIterableIterator<Uint8Array>,): Promise<never> { /** Skip to reading the next line, which is a string */ const { value } = await; return await Promise.reject(decoder.decode(value));}
function readBoolean(line: Uint8Array): boolean { return removePrefix(line) === "t";}
/** Also reads verbatim string */async function readBulkString( line: Uint8Array, iterator: AsyncIterableIterator<Uint8Array>, raw = false,): Promise<string | null> { if (readNumber(line) === -1) { return null; } const { value } = await; return raw ? value : decoder.decode(value);}
async function readError(line: Uint8Array): Promise<never> { return await Promise.reject(removePrefix(line));}
async function readMap( line: Uint8Array, iterator: AsyncIterableIterator<Uint8Array>,): Promise<Record<string, any>> { const length = readNumber(line) * 2; const array = await readNReplies(length, iterator); return toObject(array);}
/** Reads an integer or double */function readNumber(line: Uint8Array): number { const number = removePrefix(line); switch (number) { case "inf": return Infinity; case "-inf": return -Infinity; default: return Number(number); }}
async function readSet( line: Uint8Array, iterator: AsyncIterableIterator<Uint8Array>,): Promise<Set<Reply>> { return new Set(await readArray(line, iterator));}
function readSimpleString(line: Uint8Array): string { return removePrefix(line);}
async function readStreamedArray( iterator: AsyncIterableIterator<Uint8Array>,): Promise<Reply[]> { return await readStreamedReply(STREAMED_AGGREGATE_END_DELIMITER, iterator);}
async function readStreamedMap( iterator: AsyncIterableIterator<Uint8Array>,): Promise<Record<string, any>> { const array = await readStreamedReply( STREAMED_AGGREGATE_END_DELIMITER, iterator, ); return toObject(array);}
async function readStreamedSet( iterator: AsyncIterableIterator<Uint8Array>,): Promise<Set<Reply>> { return new Set(await readStreamedArray(iterator));}
async function readStreamedString( iterator: AsyncIterableIterator<Uint8Array>,): Promise<string> { return (await readStreamedReply(STREAMED_STRING_END_DELIMITER, iterator)) /** Remove byte counts */ .filter((line) => !(line as string).startsWith(";")) .join("");}
/** * Reads and processes the response line-by-line. * * See {@link} */export async function readReply( iterator: AsyncIterableIterator<Uint8Array>, raw = false,): Promise<Reply> { const { value } = await; if (value.length === 0) { return await Promise.reject(new TypeError("No reply received")); } switch (value[0]) { case ARRAY_PREFIX: case PUSH_PREFIX: return isSteamedReply(value) ? await readStreamedArray(iterator) : await readArray(value, iterator); case ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX: return await readAttribute(value, iterator); case BIG_NUMBER_PREFIX: return readBigNumber(value); case BLOB_ERROR_PREFIX: return readBlobError(iterator); case BOOLEAN_PREFIX: return readBoolean(value); case BULK_STRING_PREFIX: case VERBATIM_STRING_PREFIX: return isSteamedReply(value) ? await readStreamedString(iterator) : await readBulkString(value, iterator, raw); case DOUBLE_PREFIX: case INTEGER_PREFIX: return readNumber(value); case ERROR_PREFIX: return readError(value); case MAP_PREFIX: return isSteamedReply(value) ? await readStreamedMap(iterator) : await readMap(value, iterator); case NULL_PREFIX: return null; case SET_PREFIX: return isSteamedReply(value) ? await readStreamedSet(iterator) : await readSet(value, iterator); case SIMPLE_STRING_PREFIX: return readSimpleString(value); /** No prefix */ default: return decoder.decode(value); }}
/** 3. Combined */
/** * Sends a command to the Redis server and returns the parsed reply. * * Example: * ```ts * import { sendCommand } from "$VERSION/mod.ts"; * * const redisConn = await Deno.connect({ port: 6379 }); * * // Returns "OK" * await sendCommand(redisConn, ["SET", "hello", "world"]); * * // Returns "world" * await sendCommand(redisConn, ["GET", "hello"]); * ``` */export async function sendCommand( redisConn: Deno.Conn, command: Command, raw = false,): Promise<Reply> { await writeCommand(redisConn, command); return await readReply(readLines(redisConn), raw);}
/** * Pipelines commands to the Redis server and returns the parsed replies. * * Example: * ```ts * import { pipelineCommands } from "$VERSION/mod.ts"; * * const redisConn = await Deno.connect({ port: 6379 }); * * // Returns [1, 2, 3, 4] * await pipelineCommands(redisConn, [ * ["INCR", "X"], * ["INCR", "X"], * ["INCR", "X"], * ["INCR", "X"], * ]); * ``` */export async function pipelineCommands( redisConn: Deno.Conn, commands: Command[],): Promise<Reply[]> { const requests = new BytesList(); commands .map(createRequest) .forEach((request) => requests.add(request)); await writeAll(redisConn, requests.concat()); return readNReplies(commands.length, readLines(redisConn));}
/** * Used for pub/sub. Listens for replies from the Redis server. * * Example: * ```ts * import { writeCommand, readReplies } from "$VERSION/mod.ts"; * * const redisConn = await Deno.connect({ port: 6379 }); * * await writeCommand(redisConn, ["SUBSCRIBE", "mychannel"]); * * for await (const reply of readReplies(redisConn)) { * // Prints ["subscribe", "mychannel", 1] first iteration * console.log(reply); * } * ``` */export async function* readReplies( redisConn: Deno.Conn, raw = false,): AsyncIterableIterator<Reply> { const iterator = readLines(redisConn); while (true) { yield await readReply(iterator, raw); }}