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Rain 基于装饰器的IOC服务器框架

装饰器类似于java的springMVC框架注释用法,加有@Controller装饰器的导出类,可被扫描到并装配至容器内。 部分装饰器用法受限于装饰器本身,而不同于springMVC,如@AutoWired需要传入类名,@Param需要加上参数名。 提供装饰器:Controller, GetMapping, PostMapping, Value, AutoWired, Param


  1. git clone
  2. deno run –allow-net –allow-read –allow-write app.ts

example 例如:

import { Controller, GetMapping, PostMapping, Value, AutoWired, Param } from ‘../../rain/Decorators.ts’ import UserService from ‘../service/UserService.ts’

@Controller(“/api”) class UserController { @Value(“Ding”) private name!: string;

private userService!: UserService;

public getUserInfo() {
    return {
        code: 200,
        message: "success",
        data: {
            userInfo: this.userService

public postUserInfo(
    @Param("userName", "string") userName: string,
    @Param("upwd") name: string
) {
    console.log(userName, name);
    return {
        code: 200,
        message: "success",
        type: "post"


export default UserController;