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Faster and smaller alternative to Ramda
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import * as R from 'ramda'import {flip, subtract} from 'rambda'
describe('R.flip', () => { it('function with arity of 2', () => { const subtractFlipped = flip(subtract) const result = subtractFlipped(1, 7) const curriedResult = subtractFlipped(1)(7) curriedResult // $ExpectType number
// This is wrong // ============================================ result // $ExpectType (y: number) => number })
it('function with arity of 3', () => { function testFunction(a: number, b: string, c: number): string { return `${b}==${a + c}` } const flippedTestFunction = flip(testFunction)
const result = flippedTestFunction('foo', 1, 2) result // $ExpectType string })})
describe('Ramda.flip', () => { it('function with arity of 2', () => { const subtractFlipped = R.flip(R.subtract) const result = subtractFlipped(1, 7) const curriedResult = subtractFlipped(1)(7) curriedResult // $ExpectType number
// This is wrong // ============================================ result // $ExpectType (b: number) => number })})