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import {delay, debounce} from 'rambda'
describe('R.debounce', () => { it('arity of 1', async() => { const fn = debounce((x: number) => x + 1, 1000) const result1 = fn(1) await delay(100) const result2 = fn(1) result1 // $ExpectType number result2 // $ExpectType number }) it('arity of 2', () => { function add(x: number, y: number) { return x + y } const fn = debounce(add, 1000) const result = fn(1, 2) result // $ExpectType number }) it('arity of 3', () => { const todebounce = (x: number, y: string, z: boolean) => { if (z) return 'foo' return `${x}${y}` }
const fn = debounce(todebounce, 1000) const result = fn(1, 'bar', true) result // $ExpectType string })})