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Faster and smaller alternative to Ramda
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// Jest Snapshot v1,
exports[`brute force Function | Function 1`] = `Object { "error": Object { "message": "Function.prototype.toString requires that 'this' be a Function", "type": "TypeError", }, "inputs": Array [ [Function], [Function], ], "label": "Rambda should not throw", "ok": false, "ramdaError": "PENDING", "ramdaResult": true, "result": "PENDING",}`;
exports[`brute force Number | Number 1`] = `Object { "error": Object { "message": "BigInt.prototype.toString requires that 'this' be a BigInt", "type": "TypeError", }, "inputs": Array [ 9007199254740991n, 9007199254740991n, ], "label": "Rambda should not throw", "ok": false, "ramdaError": "PENDING", "ramdaResult": true, "result": "PENDING",}`;
exports[`brute force Object | Object 1`] = `Object { "error": "PENDING", "inputs": Array [ Map { "foo" => "bar", }, Map { "foo" => "bar", }, ], "label": "results are different", "ok": false, "ramdaError": "PENDING", "ramdaResult": true, "result": false,}`;
exports[`brute force Object | Object 2`] = `Object { "error": "PENDING", "inputs": Array [ ArrayBuffer [], ArrayBuffer [], ], "label": "results are different", "ok": false, "ramdaError": "PENDING", "ramdaResult": true, "result": false,}`;
exports[`brute force Object | Object 3`] = `Object { "error": "PENDING", "inputs": Array [ DataView [], DataView [], ], "label": "results are different", "ok": false, "ramdaError": "PENDING", "ramdaResult": true, "result": false,}`;
exports[`brute force Object | Object 4`] = `Object { "error": Object { "message": "Method %TypedArray%.prototype.join called on incompatible receiver [object Object]", "type": "TypeError", }, "inputs": Array [ Int16Array [ 0, 0, ], Int16Array [ 0, 0, ], ], "label": "Rambda should not throw", "ok": false, "ramdaError": "PENDING", "ramdaResult": true, "result": "PENDING",}`;
exports[`brute force Object | Object 5`] = `Object { "error": "PENDING", "inputs": Array [ WeakMap {}, WeakMap {}, ], "label": "results are different", "ok": false, "ramdaError": "PENDING", "ramdaResult": true, "result": false,}`;
exports[`brute force Object | Object 6`] = `Object { "error": "PENDING", "inputs": Array [ WeakSet {}, WeakSet {}, ], "label": "results are different", "ok": false, "ramdaError": "PENDING", "ramdaResult": true, "result": false,}`;
exports[`brute force Symbol | Symbol 1`] = `Object { "error": Object { "message": "Symbol.prototype.toString requires that 'this' be a Symbol", "type": "TypeError", }, "inputs": Array [ Symbol(foo), Symbol(foo), ], "label": "Rambda should not throw", "ok": false, "ramdaError": "PENDING", "ramdaResult": true, "result": "PENDING",}`;