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Faster and smaller alternative to Ramda
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import {compose} from './compose'import {map} from './map'import {replace} from './replace'import {sort} from './sort'import {take} from './take'import {type} from './type'
const cache = {}
const normalizeObject = obj => { const sortFn = (a, b) => (a > b ? 1 : -1) const willReturn = {} compose( map(prop => (willReturn[prop] = obj[prop])), sort(sortFn) )(Object.keys(obj))
return willReturn}
const stringify = a => { if (type(a) === 'String') { return a } else if (['Function', 'Async'].includes(type(a))) { const compacted = replace(/\s{1,}/g, ' ', a.toString())
return replace(/\s/g, '_', take(15, compacted)) } else if (type(a) === 'Object') { return JSON.stringify(normalizeObject(a)) }
return JSON.stringify(a)}
const generateProp = (fn, ...inputArguments) => { let propString = '' inputArguments.forEach(inputArgument => { propString += `${stringify(inputArgument)}_` })
return `${propString}${stringify(fn)}`}// with weakmapsexport function memoize(fn, ...inputArguments) { if (arguments.length === 1) { return (...inputArgumentsHolder) => memoize(fn, ...inputArgumentsHolder) }
const prop = generateProp(fn, ...inputArguments) if (prop in cache) return cache[prop]
if (type(fn) === 'Async') { return new Promise(resolve => { fn(...inputArguments).then(result => { cache[prop] = result resolve(result) }) }) }
const result = fn(...inputArguments) cache[prop] = result
return result}