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Faster and smaller alternative to Ramda
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// import { mergeDeepRight } from 'ramda'import {mergeDeepRight} from './mergeDeepRight'
const slave = { name: 'evilMe', age: 10, contact: { a: 1, email: '', },}const master = { age: 40, contact: {email: ''}, songs: {title: 'Remains the same'},}
test('happy', () => { const result = mergeDeepRight(slave, master) const curryResult = mergeDeepRight(slave)(master) const expected = { age: 40, name: 'evilMe', contact: { a: 1, email: '', }, songs: {title: 'Remains the same'}, }
expect(result).toEqual(expected) expect(curryResult).toEqual(expected)})
test('ramda compatible test 1', () => { const a = { w: 1, x: 2, y: {z: 3}, } const b = { a: 4, b: 5, c: {d: 6}, } const result = mergeDeepRight(a, b) const expected = { w: 1, x: 2, y: {z: 3}, a: 4, b: 5, c: {d: 6}, }
test('ramda compatible test 2', () => { const a = { a: { b: 1, c: 2, }, y: 0, } const b = { a: { b: 3, d: 4, }, z: 0, } const result = mergeDeepRight(a, b) const expected = { a: { b: 3, c: 2, d: 4, }, y: 0, z: 0, }
test('ramda compatible test 3', () => { const a = { w: 1, x: {y: 2}, } const result = mergeDeepRight(a, {x: {y: 3}}) const expected = { w: 1, x: {y: 3}, } expect(result).toEqual(expected)})