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Faster and smaller alternative to Ramda
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import {tryCatch as tryCatchRamda} from 'ramda'
import {compareCombinations} from './_internals/testUtils'import {prop} from './prop'import {tryCatch} from './tryCatch'
test('happy', () => { const fn = () => { throw new Error('foo') } const result = tryCatch(fn, () => true)() expect(result).toBeTrue()})
test('when fallback is used', () => { const fn = x => x.x
expect(tryCatch(fn, false)(null)).toBeFalse()})
test('with json parse', () => { const good = () => JSON.parse(JSON.stringify({a: 1})) const bad = () => JSON.parse('a{a')
expect(tryCatch(good, 1)()).toEqual({a: 1}) expect(tryCatch(bad, 1)()).toBe(1)})
test('when fallback is function', () => { const fn = x => x.x
expect(tryCatch(fn, () => 1)(null)).toBe(1)})
test('when fn is used', () => { const fn = prop('x')
expect(tryCatch(fn, false)({})).toBe(undefined) expect(tryCatch(fn, false)({x: 1})).toBe(1)})
test('fallback receives error object and all initial inputs', () => { function thrower(a, b, c) { void c throw new Error('throwerError') }
function catchFn(e, a, b, c) { return [e.message, a, b, c].join('|') }
const willThrow = tryCatch(thrower, catchFn) const result = willThrow('A', 'B', 'C') expect(result).toBe('throwerError|A|B|C')})
test('fallback receives error object', () => { function throwFn() { throw new Error(10) }
function eCatcher(e, a, b) { return e.message }
const willThrow = tryCatch(throwFn, eCatcher) expect(willThrow([])).toBe('10') expect(willThrow([{}, {}, {}])).toBe('10')})
const possibleFns = [ null, () => 1, () => 0, () => JSON.parse('{a:1'), () => { const x = {}
return x.x }, x =>, () => { throw new Error('foo') },]
const possibleCatchers = [ null, e => e.message.length, (e, ...inputs) => `${e.message.length} ${inputs.length}`, () => { throw new Error('bar') },]
const possibleInputs = [null, {}, {foo: 1}]
describe('brute force', () => { compareCombinations({ returnsFunctionFlag: true, firstInput: possibleFns, callback: errorsCounters => { expect(errorsCounters).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "ERRORS_MESSAGE_MISMATCH": 0, "ERRORS_TYPE_MISMATCH": 12, "RESULTS_MISMATCH": 0, "SHOULD_NOT_THROW": 0, "SHOULD_THROW": 7, "TOTAL_TESTS": 84, } `) }, secondInput: possibleCatchers, thirdInput: possibleInputs, fn: tryCatch, fnRamda: tryCatchRamda, })})