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Faster and smaller alternative to Ramda
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import { construct } from './construct'import { construct as constructRamda } from 'ramda'
test('happy', () => { const result = construct() console.log(result)})
/*var assert = require('assert');
var R = require('../source/index.js');var eq = require('./shared/eq.js');

describe('construct', function() { var Rectangle = function(w, h) {this.width = w; this.height = h;}; Rectangle.prototype.area = function() {return this.width * this.height;};
it('turns a constructor function into one that can be called without `new`', function() { var rect = R.construct(Rectangle); var r1 = rect(3, 4); eq(r1.constructor, Rectangle); eq(r1.width, 3); eq(r1.area(), 12);
var regex = R.construct(RegExp); var word = regex('word', 'gi'); eq(word.constructor, RegExp); eq(word.source, 'word'); eq(, true); });
it('can be used to create Date object', function() { var date = R.construct(Date)(1984, 3, 26, 0, 0, 0, 0); eq(date.constructor, Date); eq(date.getFullYear(), 1984); });
it('supports constructors with no arguments', function() { function Foo() {} var foo = R.construct(Foo)(); eq(foo.constructor, Foo); });
it('does not support constructor with greater than ten arguments', function() { assert.throws(function() { function Foo($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10) { this.eleventh = $10; } R.construct(Foo); }, function(err) { return (err instanceof Error && err.message === 'Constructor with greater than ten arguments'); }); });
it('returns a curried function', function() { var rect = R.construct(Rectangle); var rect3 = rect(3); var r1 = rect3(4); eq(r1.constructor, Rectangle); eq(r1.width, 3); eq(r1.height, 4); eq(r1.area(), 12);
var regex = R.construct(RegExp); var word = regex('word'); var complete = word('gi'); eq(complete.constructor, RegExp); eq(complete.source, 'word'); eq(, true); });