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Faster and smaller alternative to Ramda
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import {groupBy} from 'rambda'import {prop} from 'ramda'
interface Thing { name: string, position: string,}
interface Output { left: Thing[], right: Thing[],}
const things = [ {name: 'one', position: 'left'}, {name: 'two', position: 'left'}, {name: 'three', position: 'right'}, {name: 'four', position: 'right'},]
describe('R.groupBy', () => { it('happy', () => { const groupByFn = (x: string) => String(x.length) const list = ['foo', 'barr']
const result = groupBy(groupByFn, list) result // $ExpectType { [index: string]: string[]; }
const curriedResult = groupBy(groupByFn)(list) curriedResult // $ExpectType { [index: string]: string[]; } }) it('with one explicit types', () => { const groupByPosition = groupBy<Thing>(prop('position'))
const result = groupByPosition(things) result // $ExpectType { [index: string]: Thing[]; } result[9] // $ExpectType Thing[] // $ExpectType Thing[] }) it('with two explicit types', () => { const groupByPosition = groupBy<Thing, Output>(prop('position'))
const result = groupByPosition(things) result // $ExpectType Output })})