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import { lensEq } from './lensEq.js'import { lensIndex } from './lensIndex.js'import { lensPath } from './lensPath.js'
test('with list', () => { const list = [ 1, 2, 3 ] const lens = lensIndex(0) expect(lensEq( lens, 1, list )).toBeTrue() expect(lensEq(lens, 2)(list)).toBeFalse()})
test('with R.lensPath', () => { const input = { a : { b : { c : 1 } } } const target = { c : 1 } const lens = lensPath('a.b')
expect(lensEq(lens)(target)(input)).toBeTrue() expect(lensEq( lens, target, { c : 2 } )).toBeFalse()})