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import { add } from './add.js'import { switcher } from './switcher.js'import { tap } from './tap.js'import { trim } from './trim.js'
test('with undefined', () => { const result = switcher(undefined) .is(x => x === 0, '0') .is(x => x === undefined, 'UNDEFINED') .default('3')
test('happy', () => { const a = true const b = false const result = switcher([ a, b ]) .is([ false, false ], '0') .is([ false, true ], '1') .is([ true, true ], '2') .default('3')
test('can compare objects', () => { const result = switcher({ a : 1 }) .is({ a : 1 }, 'it is object') .is('baz', 'it is baz') .default('it is default')
expect(result).toBe('it is object')})
test('options are mixture of functions and values - input match function', () => { const fn = switcher('foo').is('bar', 1) .is('foo', add(1)) .default(1000)
test('options are mixture of functions and values - input match value', () => { const result = switcher('bar').is('bar', 1) .is('foo', add(1)) .default(1000)
test('return function if all options are functions', () => { const fn = switcher('foo').is('bar', tap) .is('foo', add(1)) .default(trim)
const switchFn = input => switcher(input) .is(x => x.length && x.length === 7, 'has length of 7') .is('baz', 'it is baz') .default('it is default')
test('works with function as condition', () => { expect(switchFn([ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ])).toBe('has length of 7')})
test('works with string as condition', () => { expect(switchFn('baz')).toBe('it is baz')})
test('fallback to default input when no matches', () => { expect(switchFn(1)).toBe('it is default')})