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Faster and smaller alternative to Ramda
import * as R from 'ramda';
export const F = R.F;export const T = R.T;export const add = R.add;export const adjust = R.adjust;export const all = R.all;export const allPass = R.allPass;export const always = R.always;export const and = R.and;export const any = R.any;export const anyPass = R.anyPass;export const append = R.append;export const apply = R.apply;export const applySpec = R.applySpec;export const assoc = R.assoc;export const assocPath = R.assocPath;export const bind = R.bind;export const both = R.both;export const chain = R.chain;export const clamp = R.clamp;export const clone = R.clone;export const complement = R.complement;export const compose = R.compose;export const concat = R.concat;export const cond = R.cond;export const converge = R.converge;export const count = R.count;export const countBy = R.countBy;export const curry = R.curry;export const curryN = R.curryN;export const dec = R.dec;export const defaultTo = R.defaultTo;export const difference = R.difference;export const dissoc = R.dissoc;export const divide = R.divide;export const drop = R.drop;export const dropLast = R.dropLast;export const dropLastWhile = R.dropLastWhile;export const dropRepeats = R.dropRepeats;export const dropRepeatsWith = R.dropRepeatsWith;export const dropWhile = R.dropWhile;export const either = R.either;export const endsWith = R.endsWith;export const eqProps = R.eqProps;export const equals = R.equals;export const evolve = R.evolve;export const filter = R.filter;export const find = R.find;export const findIndex = R.findIndex;export const findLast = R.findLast;export const findLastIndex = R.findLastIndex;export const flatten = R.flatten;export const flip = R.flip;export const forEach = R.forEach;export const fromPairs = R.fromPairs;export const groupBy = R.groupBy;export const groupWith = R.groupWith;export const has = R.has;export const hasPath = R.hasPath;export const head = R.head;export const identical = R.identical;export const identity = R.identity;export const ifElse = R.ifElse;export const inc =;export const includes = R.includes;export const indexBy = R.indexBy;export const indexOf = R.indexOf;export const init = R.init;export const intersection = R.intersection;export const intersperse = R.intersperse;export const is =;export const isEmpty = R.isEmpty;export const isNil = R.isNil;export const join = R.join;export const juxt = R.juxt;export const keys = R.keys;export const last = R.last;export const lastIndexOf = R.lastIndexOf;export const length = R.length;export const lens = R.lens;export const lensIndex = R.lensIndex;export const lensPath = R.lensPath;export const lensProp = R.lensProp;export const map =;export const mapObjIndexed = R.mapObjIndexed;export const match = R.match;export const mathMod = R.mathMod;export const max = R.max;export const maxBy = R.maxBy;export const mean = R.mean;export const median = R.median;export const mergeAll = R.mergeAll;export const mergeDeepRight = R.mergeDeepRight;export const mergeLeft = R.mergeLeft;export const mergeRight = R.mergeRight;export const mergeWith = R.mergeWith;export const min = R.min;export const minBy = R.minBy;export const modifyPath = R.modifyPath;export const modulo = R.modulo;export const move = R.move;export const multiply = R.multiply;export const negate = R.negate;export const none = R.none;export const not = R.not;export const nth = R.nth;export const objOf = R.objOf;export const of = R.of;export const omit = R.omit;export const on = R.on;export const once = R.once;export const or = R.or;export const over = R.over;export const partial = R.partial;export const partialObject = R.partialObject;export const partition = R.partition;export const path = R.path;export const pathEq = R.pathEq;export const pathOr = R.pathOr;export const paths = R.paths;export const pick = R.pick;export const pickAll = R.pickAll;export const pipe = R.pipe;export const pluck = R.pluck;export const prepend = R.prepend;export const product = R.product;export const prop = R.prop;export const propEq = R.propEq;export const propIs = R.propIs;export const propOr = R.propOr;export const propSatisfies = R.propSatisfies;export const props = R.props;export const range = R.range;export const reduce = R.reduce;export const reject = R.reject;export const repeat = R.repeat;export const replace = R.replace;export const reverse = R.reverse;export const set = R.set;export const slice = R.slice;export const sort = R.sort;export const sortBy = R.sortBy;export const split = R.split;export const splitAt = R.splitAt;export const splitEvery = R.splitEvery;export const splitWhen = R.splitWhen;export const startsWith = R.startsWith;export const subtract = R.subtract;export const sum = R.sum;export const symmetricDifference = R.symmetricDifference;export const tail = R.tail;export const take = R.take;export const takeLast = R.takeLast;export const takeLastWhile = R.takeLastWhile;export const takeWhile = R.takeWhile;export const tap = R.tap;export const test = R.test;export const times = R.times;export const toLower = R.toLower;export const toPairs = R.toPairs;export const toString = R.toString;export const toUpper = R.toUpper;export const transpose = R.transpose;export const trim = R.trim;export const tryCatch = R.tryCatch;export const type = R.type;export const unapply = R.unapply;export const union = R.union;export const uniq = R.uniq;export const uniqBy = R.uniqBy;export const uniqWith = R.uniqWith;export const unless = R.unless;export const unwind = R.unwind;export const update = R.update;export const values = R.values;export const view = R.view;export const when = R.when;export const where = R.where;export const whereAny = R.whereAny;export const whereEq = R.whereEq;export const without = R.without;export const xor = R.xor;export const zip =;export const zipObj = R.zipObj;export const zipWith = R.zipWith;