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Faster and smaller alternative to Ramda
import { add } from './add.js'import { converge } from './converge.js'import { multiply } from './multiply.js'
const f1 = converge(multiply, [ a => a + 1, a => a + 10 ])const f2 = converge(multiply, [ a => a + 1, (a, b) => a + b + 10 ])const f3 = converge(multiply, [ a => a + 1, ( a, b, c) => a + b + c + 10 ])
test('happy', () => { expect(f2(6, 7)).toBe(161)})
test('passes the results of applying the arguments individually', () => { const result = converge(multiply)([ add(1), add(3) ])(2) expect(result).toBe(15)})
test('returns a function with the length of the longest argument', () => { expect(f1).toHaveLength(1) expect(f2).toHaveLength(2) expect(f3).toHaveLength(3)})
test('passes context to its functions', () => { const a = function (x){ return this.f1(x) } const b = function (x){ return this.f2(x) } const c = function (x, y){ return this.f3(x, y) } const d = converge(c, [ a, b ]) const context = { f1 : add(1), f2 : add(2), f3 : add, } expect(, 1)).toBe(2) expect(, 1)).toBe(3) expect(, 1)).toBe(5)})
test('works with empty functions list', () => { const fn = converge(function (){ return arguments.length }, []) expect(fn).toHaveLength(0) expect(fn()).toBe(0)})