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Faster and smaller alternative to Ramda
import {mapAsync, delay} from 'rambda'
const list = ['a', 'bc', 'def']const fn = async(x: string) => { await delay(100)
return x.length % 2 ? x.length + 1 : x.length + 10}const fnWithIndex = async(x: string, i: number) => { await delay(100)
return (x.length + i) % 2 ? x.length + 1 : x.length + 10}
describe('R.mapAsync', () => { it('happy', async() => { const result = await mapAsync(fn, list) result // $ExpectType number[] }) it('curried', async() => { const result = await mapAsync(fn)(list) result // $ExpectType number[] }) it('with index', async() => { const result = await mapAsync(fnWithIndex, list) result // $ExpectType number[] }) it('with index curried', async() => { const result = await mapAsync(fnWithIndex)(list) result // $ExpectType number[] })})