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:ram: Practical functional Javascript
'use strict';var t = require('@babel/types');
var buildImportAssignment = function(id, source) { return t.variableDeclaration( 'var', [ t.variableDeclarator( t.identifier(id), t.callExpression( t.identifier('require'), [t.stringLiteral(source)] ) ) ] );};
var buildExportsAssignment = function(node, property) { var moduleExports = t.memberExpression( t.identifier('module'), t.identifier('exports') ); var left = !property ? moduleExports : t.memberExpression( moduleExports, t.identifier(property) ); return t.expressionStatement( t.assignmentExpression( '=', left, node ) );};
/* before import curryN from './curryN';
after var curryN = require('./curryN');*/var importDeclarationVisitor = function(path) { var importSource = path.node.source.value; var defaultSpecifier = path.get('specifiers')[0]; defaultSpecifier.assertImportDefaultSpecifier();
path.replaceWith( buildImportAssignment( defaultSpecifier.get('local').get('name').node, importSource ) );};
/* before export default curryN;
after module.exports = curryN;*/var exportDefaultDeclarationVisitor = function(path) { var declaration = path.get('declaration');
if (declaration.isFunctionDeclaration()) { // case of export default function compose() {} var id =; if (id) { /* aligning with es modules specification exported identifiers have file scope (top level) so the declaration is split into 2 lines:
function compose() {} module.exports = compose;
this makes `compose` being hoisted and visible in the whole file */ path.replaceWithMultiple([ declaration.node, buildExportsAssignment( t.identifier( ) ]); } else { // if the function is anonymous we can just use simpler 1 line case path.replaceWith( buildExportsAssignment(declaration) ); } } else if (declaration.isClassDeclaration()) { throw path.buildCodeFrameError('Exporting ClassDeclaration is not implemented'); } else { // simple case of - export default curryN; path.replaceWith( buildExportsAssignment(declaration.node) ); }};
/* before export { default as curryN } from './curryN';
after module.exports.curryN = require('./curryN');*/var exportNamedDeclarationVisitor = function(path, state) { var defaultReexportSpecifier = path.get('specifiers')[0]; var local = defaultReexportSpecifier.get('local').get('name').node; var exported = defaultReexportSpecifier.get('exported').get('name').node;
if (local !== 'default') { throw path.buildCodeFrameError('Only named exports allowed are reexports in index.js'); }
// used by Program's exit visitor state.set('reexports', true);
path.replaceWith( buildExportsAssignment( t.callExpression( t.identifier('require'), [t.stringLiteral(path.node.source.value)] ), exported ) );};
module.exports = function() { return { visitor: { Program: { enter: function(path) { // rename these commonjs variables if they're declared in the file path.scope.rename('module'); path.scope.rename('exports'); path.scope.rename('require'); }, exit: function(path, state) { if (!state.get('reexports')) { return; }
// adding module.exports = {}; at the top of the index.js file path.unshiftContainer( 'body', buildExportsAssignment( t.objectExpression([]) ) ); } }, ImportDeclaration: importDeclarationVisitor, ExportDefaultDeclaration: exportDefaultDeclarationVisitor, ExportNamedDeclaration: exportNamedDeclarationVisitor } };};