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:ram: Practical functional Javascript
var assert = require('assert');
var R = require('../source');var eq = require('./shared/eq');

describe('andThen', function() { it('invokes then on the promise with the function passed to it', function(done) { R.andThen( function(n) { eq(n, 1); done(); }, Promise.resolve(1) ); });
it('flattens promise returning functions', function(done) { var incAndWrap = R.compose(Promise.resolve.bind(Promise),; var asyncAddThree = R.pipe(incAndWrap, R.andThen(incAndWrap), R.andThen(incAndWrap));
R.andThen(function(result) { eq(result, 4); done(); })(asyncAddThree(1)); });
it('throws a typeError if the then method does not exist', function() { assert.throws( function() { R.andThen(, 1); }, function(err) { return err.constructor === TypeError && err.message === '`andThen` expected a Promise, received 1'; } ); });
it('is not dependent on a particular promise implementation', function(done) { var thennable = { then: function(f) { return f(42); } };
var f = function(n) { eq(n, 42); done(); };
R.andThen(f, thennable); });});