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:ram: Practical functional Javascript
var assert = require('assert');
var R = require('../source');var eq = require('./shared/eq');

describe('deep clone integers, strings and booleans', function() { it('clones integers', function() { eq(R.clone(-4), -4); eq(R.clone(9007199254740991), 9007199254740991); });
it('clones floats', function() { eq(R.clone(-4.5), -4.5); eq(R.clone(0.0), 0.0); });
it('clones strings', function() { eq(R.clone('ramda'), 'ramda'); });
it('clones booleans', function() { eq(R.clone(true), true); });
describe('deep clone objects', function() { it('clones shallow object', function() { var obj = {a: 1, b: 'ramda', c: true, d: new Date(2013, 11, 25)}; var clone = R.clone(obj); obj.c = false; obj.d.setDate(31); eq(clone, {a: 1, b: 'ramda', c: true, d: new Date(2013, 11, 25)}); });
it('clones deep object', function() { var obj = {a: {b: {c: 'ramda'}}}; var clone = R.clone(obj); obj.a.b.c = null; eq(clone, {a: {b: {c: 'ramda'}}}); });
it('clones objects with circular references', function() { var x = {c: null}; var y = {a: x}; var z = {b: y}; x.c = z; var clone = R.clone(x); assert.notStrictEqual(x, clone); assert.notStrictEqual(x.c, clone.c); assert.notStrictEqual(x.c.b, clone.c.b); assert.notStrictEqual(x.c.b.a, clone.c.b.a); assert.notStrictEqual(x.c.b.a.c, clone.c.b.a.c); eq(R.keys(clone), R.keys(x)); eq(R.keys(clone.c), R.keys(x.c)); eq(R.keys(clone.c.b), R.keys(x.c.b)); eq(R.keys(clone.c.b.a), R.keys(x.c.b.a)); eq(R.keys(clone.c.b.a.c), R.keys(x.c.b.a.c));
x.c.b = 1; assert.notDeepEqual(clone.c.b, x.c.b); });
it('clone instances', function() { var Obj = function(x) { this.x = x; }; Obj.prototype.get = function() { return this.x; }; Obj.prototype.set = function(x) { this.x = x; };
var obj = new Obj(10); eq(obj.get(), 10);
var clone = R.clone(obj); eq(clone.get(), 10);
assert.notStrictEqual(obj, clone);
obj.set(11); eq(obj.get(), 11); eq(clone.get(), 10); });
it('only own properties be copied', function() { function Obj() { this.x = 'own property'; }
Obj.prototype = { y: 'not own property' };
const obj = new Obj(); const cloneObj = R.clone(obj); eq(Object.keys(obj), Object.keys(cloneObj)); });
it('the prototype should keep the same', function() { function Obj() {}
Obj.prototype = { x: 'prototype property' };
const obj = new Obj(); const cloneObj = R.clone(obj); eq(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj), Object.getPrototypeOf(cloneObj)); });
describe('deep clone arrays', function() { it('clones shallow arrays', function() { var list = [1, 2, 3]; var clone = R.clone(list); list.pop(); eq(clone, [1, 2, 3]); });
it('clones deep arrays', function() { var list = [1, [1, 2, 3], [[[5]]]]; var clone = R.clone(list);
assert.notStrictEqual(list, clone); assert.notStrictEqual(list[2], clone[2]); assert.notStrictEqual(list[2][0], clone[2][0]);
eq(clone, [1, [1, 2, 3], [[[5]]]]); });
describe('deep clone functions', function() { it('keep reference to function', function() { var fn = function(x) { return x + x;}; var list = [{a: fn}];
var clone = R.clone(list);
eq(clone[0].a(10), 20); eq(list[0].a, clone[0].a); });
describe('built-in types', function() { it('clones Date object', function() { var date = new Date(2014, 10, 14, 23, 59, 59, 999);
var clone = R.clone(date);
assert.notStrictEqual(date, clone); eq(clone, new Date(2014, 10, 14, 23, 59, 59, 999));
eq(clone.getDay(), 5); // friday });
it('clones RegExp object', function() { R.forEach(function(pattern) { var clone = R.clone(pattern); assert.notStrictEqual(clone, pattern); eq(clone.constructor, RegExp); eq(clone.source, pattern.source); eq(,; eq(clone.ignoreCase, pattern.ignoreCase); eq(clone.multiline, pattern.multiline); }, [/x/, /x/g, /x/i, /x/m, /x/gi, /x/gm, /x/im, /x/gim]); });
describe('deep clone deep nested mixed objects', function() { it('clones array with objects', function() { var list = [{a: {b: 1}}, [{c: {d: 1}}]]; var clone = R.clone(list); list[1][0] = null; eq(clone, [{a: {b: 1}}, [{c: {d: 1}}]]); });
it('clones array with arrays', function() { var list = [[1], [[3]]]; var clone = R.clone(list); list[1][0] = null; eq(clone, [[1], [[3]]]); });
it('clones array with mutual ref object', function() { var obj = {a: 1}; var list = [{b: obj}, {b: obj}]; var clone = R.clone(list);
assert.strictEqual(list[0].b, list[1].b); assert.strictEqual(clone[0].b, clone[1].b); assert.notStrictEqual(clone[0].b, list[0].b); assert.notStrictEqual(clone[1].b, list[1].b);
eq(clone[0].b, {a:1}); eq(clone[1].b, {a:1});
obj.a = 2; eq(clone[0].b, {a:1}); eq(clone[1].b, {a:1}); });
describe('deep clone edge cases', function() { it('nulls, undefineds and empty objects and arrays', function() { eq(R.clone(null), null); eq(R.clone(undefined), undefined); assert.notStrictEqual(R.clone(undefined), null);
var obj = {}; assert.notStrictEqual(R.clone(obj), obj);
var list = []; assert.notStrictEqual(R.clone(list), list); });

describe('Let `R.clone` use an arbitrary user defined `clone` method', function() {
it('dispatches to `clone` method if present', function() { function ArbitraryClone(x) { this.value = x; } ArbitraryClone.prototype.clone = function() { return new ArbitraryClone(this.value); };
var obj = new ArbitraryClone(42); var arbitraryClonedObj = R.clone(obj); eq(arbitraryClonedObj, new ArbitraryClone(42)); eq(arbitraryClonedObj instanceof ArbitraryClone, true); });