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:ram: Practical functional Javascript
var assert = require('assert');var jsv = require('jsverify');
var R = require('../source');var eq = require('./shared/eq');

describe('compose', function() {
it('is a variadic function', function() { eq(typeof R.compose, 'function'); eq(R.compose.length, 0); });
it('performs right-to-left function composition', function() { // f :: (String, Number?) -> ([Number] -> [Number]) var f = R.compose(, R.multiply, parseInt);
eq(f.length, 2); eq(f('10')([1, 2, 3]), [10, 20, 30]); eq(f('10', 2)([1, 2, 3]), [2, 4, 6]); });
it('passes context to functions', function() { function x(val) { return this.x * val; } function y(val) { return this.y * val; } function z(val) { return this.z * val; } var context = { a: R.compose(x, y, z), x: 4, y: 2, z: 1 }; eq(context.a(5), 40); });
it('throws if given no arguments', function() { assert.throws( function() { R.compose(); }, function(err) { return err.constructor === Error && err.message === 'compose requires at least one argument'; } ); });
it('can be applied to one argument', function() { var f = function(a, b, c) { return [a, b, c]; }; var g = R.compose(f); eq(g.length, 3); eq(g(1, 2, 3), [1, 2, 3]); });

describe('compose properties', function() {'composes two functions', jsv.fn(), jsv.fn(), jsv.nat, function(f, g, x) { return R.equals(R.compose(f, g)(x), f(g(x))); });'associative', jsv.fn(), jsv.fn(), jsv.fn(), jsv.nat, function(f, g, h, x) { var result = f(g(h(x))); return R.all(R.equals(result), [ R.compose(f, g, h)(x), R.compose(f, R.compose(g, h))(x), R.compose(R.compose(f, g), h)(x) ]); });});