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:ram: Practical functional Javascript
var assert = require('assert');
var R = require('../source');var eq = require('./shared/eq');

describe('concat', function() { var z1 = { x: 'z1', concat: function(that) { return this.x + ' ' + that.x; } }; var z2 = { x: 'z2' };
it('adds combines the elements of the two lists', function() { eq(R.concat(['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']), ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']); eq(R.concat([], ['c', 'd']), ['c', 'd']); });
it('works on strings', function() { eq(R.concat('foo', 'bar'), 'foobar'); eq(R.concat('x', ''), 'x'); eq(R.concat('', 'x'), 'x'); eq(R.concat('', ''), ''); });
it('delegates to non-String object with a concat method, as second param', function() { eq(R.concat(z1, z2), 'z1 z2'); });
it('throws if attempting to combine an array with a non-array', function() { assert.throws(function() { return R.concat([1], 2); }, TypeError); });
it('throws if not an array, String, or object with a concat method', function() { assert.throws(function() { return R.concat({}, {}); }, TypeError); });