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:ram: Practical functional Javascript
var R = require('../source');var eq = require('./shared/eq');

describe('dropRepeatsWith', function() { var objs = [ {i: 1}, {i: 2}, {i: 3}, {i: 4}, {i: 5}, {i: 3} ]; var objs2 = [ {i: 1}, {i: 1}, {i: 1}, {i: 2}, {i: 3}, {i: 3}, {i: 4}, {i: 4}, {i: 5}, {i: 3} ]; var eqI = R.eqProps('i');
it('removes repeated elements based on predicate', function() { eq(R.dropRepeatsWith(eqI, objs2), objs); eq(R.dropRepeatsWith(eqI, objs), objs); });
it('keeps elements from the left', function() { eq( R.dropRepeatsWith(eqI, [{i: 1, n: 1}, {i: 1, n: 2}, {i: 1, n: 3}, {i: 4, n: 1}, {i: 4, n: 2}]), [{i: 1, n: 1}, {i: 4, n: 1}] ); });
it('returns an empty array for an empty array', function() { eq(R.dropRepeatsWith(eqI, []), []); });
it('can act as a transducer', function() { eq(R.into([], R.dropRepeatsWith(eqI), objs2), objs); });