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:ram: Practical functional Javascript
var R = require('../source');var eq = require('./shared/eq');

describe('hasIn', function() { var fred = {name: 'Fred', age: 23}; var anon = {age: 99};
it('returns a function that checks the appropriate property', function() { var nm = R.hasIn('name'); eq(typeof nm, 'function'); eq(nm(fred), true); eq(nm(anon), false); });
it('checks properties from the prototype chain', function() { var Person = function() {}; Person.prototype.age = function() {};
var bob = new Person(); eq(R.hasIn('age', bob), true); });
it('works properly when called with two arguments', function() { eq(R.hasIn('name', fred), true); eq(R.hasIn('name', anon), false); });
it('returns false when non-existent object', function() { eq(R.hasIn('name', null), false); eq(R.hasIn('name', undefined), false); });});