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:ram: Practical functional Javascript
var R = require('../source');var eq = require('./shared/eq');

describe('hasPath', function() { var obj = { objVal: {b: {c: 'c'}}, falseVal: false, nullVal: null, undefinedVal: undefined, arrayVal: ['arr'] };
it('returns true for existing path', function() { eq(R.hasPath(['objVal'], obj), true); eq(R.hasPath(['objVal', 'b'], obj), true); eq(R.hasPath(['objVal', 'b', 'c'], obj), true); eq(R.hasPath(['arrayVal'], obj), true); });
it('returns true for existing path to falsy values', function() { eq(R.hasPath(['falseVal'], obj), true); eq(R.hasPath(['nullVal'], obj), true); eq(R.hasPath(['undefinedVal'], obj), true); });
it('return false for a test for a child to a non-object', function() { eq(R.hasPath(['undefinedVal', 'child', 'grandchild'], obj), false); eq(R.hasPath(['falseVal', 'child', 'grandchild'], obj), false); eq(R.hasPath(['nullVal', 'child', 'grandchild'], obj), false); eq(R.hasPath(['arrayVal', 0, 'child', 'grandchild'], obj), false); });
it('returns true for existing path with indexes', function() { eq(R.hasPath(['arrayVal', 0], obj), true); });
it('returns false for non-existing path with indexes', function() { eq(R.hasPath(['arrayVal', 1], obj), false); });
it('tests for paths in arrays', function() { eq(R.hasPath([0], [1, 2]), true); eq(R.hasPath([2], [1, 2]), false);
eq(R.hasPath(['0'], [1, 2]), true); eq(R.hasPath(['2'], [1, 2]), false); });

it('returns false for non-existent path', function() { eq(R.hasPath(['Unknown'], obj), false); eq(R.hasPath(['objVal', 'Unknown'], obj), false); });
it('does not check properties from the prototype chain', function() { var Person = function() {}; Person.prototype.age = {x: 1}; var bob = new Person();
eq(R.hasPath(['age'], bob), false); eq(R.hasPath(['age', 'x'], bob), false); eq(R.hasPath(['toString'], bob), false); });
it('returns false for non-objects', function() { eq(R.hasPath([], obj), false); });
it('tests paths on non-objects', function() { eq(R.hasPath(['a', 'b'], undefined), false); eq(R.hasPath(['a', 'b'], null), false); eq(R.hasPath('a', true), false); eq(R.hasPath('a', ''), false); eq(R.hasPath('a', /a/), false); });
it('tests currying', function() { eq(R.hasPath(['a', 'b'])({ a: { b: 1 } }), true); });});