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:ram: Practical functional Javascript
var R = require('../source');var eq = require('./shared/eq');var fs = require('fs');var path = require('path');

function sourceMethods(dir) { var isJsFile = function(file) { return file.match(/\.js$/); }; var isIndex = R.equals('index.js'); var removeJsEnding = function(file) { return file.replace('.js', ''); }; return fs.readdirSync(dir).filter(R.both(R.complement(isIndex), isJsFile)).map(removeJsEnding);}
/** * Convention is * * Actual API—all `./es/*.js` files are top level API methods * * Exported API—object in `./es/index.js` to be exported * * Actual and exported APIs should be the same * * Two cases, when exported and actual APIs might differ * 1. newly added API `./es/method.js` is forgotten to be added into './es/index.js' * 2. API method is deprecated and actual source file from `./es/` removed, * while continues to exist in `./es/index.js` * * 1st case is detected in first assertion, and detailed in second one * * 2st case doesnt need detection, because NodeJS will throw an error * if you would attempt to require non existing file */describe('API surface', function() { if (typeof require.resolve !== 'function') { return; } var exported = Object.keys(R).filter(function(key) { return key !== '__esModule'; }); var actual = sourceMethods(path.dirname(require.resolve('../source')));
it('both APIs are in sync', function() { eq(actual.length, exported.length); });
it('list of not exported API methods is empty', function() { function isNotExported(method) { return exported.indexOf(method) === -1; } eq(actual.filter(isNotExported), []); });});