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:ram: Practical functional Javascript
var R = require('../source');var eq = require('./shared/eq');

describe('indexOf', function() { it("returns a number indicating an object's position in a list", function() { var list = [0, 10, 20, 30]; eq(R.indexOf(30, list), 3); });
it('returns -1 if the object is not in the list', function() { var list = [0, 10, 20, 30]; eq(R.indexOf(40, list), -1); });
var input = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; it('returns the index of the first item', function() { eq(R.indexOf(1, input), 0); });
it('returns the index of the last item', function() { eq(R.indexOf(5, input), 4); });
var list = [1, 2, 3]; list[-2] = 4; // Throw a wrench in the gears by assigning a non-valid array index as object property.
it('finds 1', function() { eq(R.indexOf(1, list), 0); });
it('finds 1 and is result strictly it', function() { eq(R.indexOf(1, list), 0); });
it('does not find 4', function() { eq(R.indexOf(4, list), -1); });
it('does not consider "1" equal to 1', function() { eq(R.indexOf('1', list), -1); });
it('returns -1 for an empty array', function() { eq(R.indexOf('x', []), -1); });
it('has R.equals semantics', function() { function Just(x) { this.value = x; } Just.prototype.equals = function(x) { return x instanceof Just && R.equals(x.value, this.value); };
eq(R.indexOf(0, [-0]), -1); eq(R.indexOf(-0, [0]), -1); eq(R.indexOf(NaN, [NaN]), 0); eq(R.indexOf(new Just([42]), [new Just([42])]), 0); });
it('dispatches to `indexOf` method', function() { function Empty() {} Empty.prototype.indexOf = R.always(-1);
function List(head, tail) { this.head = head; this.tail = tail; } List.prototype.indexOf = function(x) { var idx = this.tail.indexOf(x); return this.head === x ? 0 : idx >= 0 ? 1 + idx : -1; };
var list = new List('b', new List('a', new List('n', new List('a', new List('n', new List('a', new Empty() ) ) ) ) ) );
eq(R.indexOf('a', 'banana'), 1); eq(R.indexOf('x', 'banana'), -1); eq(R.indexOf('a', list), 1); eq(R.indexOf('x', list), -1); });
it('finds function, compared by identity', function() { var f = function() {}; var g = function() {}; var list = [g, f, g, f]; eq(R.indexOf(f, list), 1); });
it('does not find function, compared by identity', function() { var f = function() {}; var g = function() {}; var h = function() {}; var list = [g, f]; eq(R.indexOf(h, list), -1); });