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:ram: Practical functional Javascript
var R = require('../source');var eq = require('./shared/eq');

describe('invariants', function() {
it('-- applying function f with length n (where n > 0) to no arguments gives function with length n', function() { for (var prop in R) { if (typeof R[prop] === 'function' && R[prop].length > 0) { var result = R[prop](); eq(typeof result, 'function'); eq(result.length, R[prop].length); } } });
it('-- applying function f with length n (where n > 0) to R.__ gives function with length n', function() { for (var prop in R) { if (typeof R[prop] === 'function' && R[prop].length > 0) { var result = R[prop](R.__); eq(typeof result, 'function'); eq(result.length, R[prop].length); } } });
it('-- applying function f with length n (where n > 1) to any value other than R.__ gives function with length n - 1', function() { var testPartialApplication = function(fn, name) { if (fn.length > 1) { var result = fn(null); eq(typeof result, 'function'); eq(result.length, fn.length - 1); testPartialApplication(result, name + "'"); } };
for (var prop in R) { if (typeof R[prop] === 'function') { testPartialApplication(R[prop], prop); } } });