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:ram: Practical functional Javascript
var R = require('../source');var eq = require('./shared/eq');
describe('invert', function() {
it('takes a list or object and returns an object of lists', function() { eq(typeof R.invert([]), 'object'); eq(typeof R.invert({}), 'object');
var inverted = R.invert([0]); var keys = R.keys(inverted); eq(, inverted[keys.pop()]), true); });
it('returns an empty object when applied to a primitive', function() { eq(R.invert(42), {}); eq(R.invert('abc'), {}); });
it('returns an empty object when applied to null/undefined', function() { eq(R.invert(null), {}); eq(R.invert(undefined), {}); });
it('returns the input\'s values as keys, and keys as values of an array', function() { eq(R.invert(['a', 'b', 'c']), {a:['0'], b:['1'], c:['2']}); eq(R.invert({x:'a', y:'b', z:'c'}), {a:['x'], b:['y'], c:['z']}); });
it('puts keys that have the same value into the appropriate an array', function() { eq(R.invert(['a', 'b', 'a']), {a:['0', '2'], b:['1']});
var inverted = R.invert({x:'a', y:'b', z:'a', _id:'a'}); eq(R.indexOf('x', inverted.a) >= 0, true); eq(R.indexOf('z', inverted.a) >= 0, true); eq(R.indexOf('_id', inverted.a) >= 0, true); eq(inverted.b, ['y']); });
// this one is more of a sanity check it('is not destructive', function() { var input = {x:'a', y:'b', z:'a', _id:'a'}; R.invert(input); eq(input, {x:'a', y:'b', z:'a', _id:'a'}); });
it('ignores inherited properties', function() { eq(R.invert({x: 'hasOwnProperty'}), { hasOwnProperty: ['x'] }); });