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:ram: Practical functional Javascript
var R = require('../source');var eq = require('./shared/eq');

describe('juxt', function() { function hello() { return 'hello'; } function bye() { return 'bye'; }
it('works with no functions and no values', function() { eq(R.juxt([])(), []); });
it('works with no functions and some values', function() { eq(R.juxt([])(2, 3), []); });
it('works with 1 function and no values', function() { eq(R.juxt([hello])(), ['hello']); });
it('works with 1 function and 1 value', function() { eq(R.juxt([R.add(3)])(2), [5]); });
it('works with 1 function and some values', function() { eq(R.juxt([R.multiply])(2, 3), [6]); });
it('works with some functions and no values', function() { eq(R.juxt([hello, bye])(), ['hello', 'bye']); });
it('works with some functions and 1 value', function() { eq(R.juxt([R.multiply(2), R.add(3)])(2), [4, 5]); });
it('works with some functions and some values', function() { eq(R.juxt([R.add, R.multiply])(2, 3), [5, 6]); });
it('retains the highest arity', function() { var f = R.juxt([R.nAry(1, R.T), R.nAry(3, R.T), R.nAry(2, R.T)]); eq(f.length, 3); });
it('returns a curried function', function() { eq(R.juxt([R.multiply, R.add])(2)(3), [6, 5]); });