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:ram: Practical functional Javascript
var R = require('../source');var eq = require('./shared/eq');

describe('length', function() { it('returns the length of a list', function() { eq(R.length([]), 0); eq(R.length(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']), 4); });
it('returns the length of a string', function() { eq(R.length(''), 0); eq(R.length('xyz'), 3); });
it('returns the length of a function', function() { eq(R.length(function() {}), 0); eq(R.length(function(x, y, z) { return z; }), 3); });
it('returns the length of an arguments object', function() { eq(R.length((function() { return arguments; })()), 0); eq(R.length((function() { return arguments; })('x', 'y', 'z')), 3); });
it('returns NaN for value of unexpected type', function() { eq(R.identical(NaN, R.length(0)), true); eq(R.identical(NaN, R.length({})), true); eq(R.identical(NaN, R.length(null)), true); eq(R.identical(NaN, R.length(undefined)), true); });
it('returns NaN for length property of unexpected type', function() { eq(R.identical(NaN, R.length({length: ''})), true); eq(R.identical(NaN, R.length({length: '1.23'})), true); eq(R.identical(NaN, R.length({length: null})), true); eq(R.identical(NaN, R.length({length: undefined})), true); eq(R.identical(NaN, R.length({})), true); });