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:ram: Practical functional Javascript
var R = require('../source');var eq = require('./shared/eq');

var testList = [{a: 1}, {b: 2}, {c: 3}];
describe('lensIndex', function() { describe('view', function() { it('focuses list element at the specified index', function() { eq(R.view(R.lensIndex(0), testList), {a: 1}); }); it('returns undefined if the specified index does not exist', function() { eq(R.view(R.lensIndex(10), testList), undefined); }); }); describe('set', function() { it('sets the list value at the specified index', function() { eq(R.set(R.lensIndex(0), 0, testList), [0, {b: 2}, {c: 3}]); }); }); describe('over', function() { it('applies function to the value at the specified list index', function() { eq(R.over(R.lensIndex(2), R.keys, testList), [{a: 1}, {b: 2}, ['c']]); }); }); describe('composability', function() { it('can be composed', function() { var nestedList = [0, [10, 11, 12], 1, 2]; var composedLens = R.compose(R.lensIndex(1), R.lensIndex(0));
eq(R.view(composedLens, nestedList), 10); }); }); describe('well behaved lens', function() { it('set s (get s) === s', function() { eq(R.set(R.lensIndex(0), R.view(R.lensIndex(0), testList), testList), testList); }); it('get (set s v) === v', function() { eq(R.view(R.lensIndex(0), R.set(R.lensIndex(0), 0, testList)), 0); }); it('get (set(set s v1) v2) === v2', function() { eq( R.view(R.lensIndex(0), R.set(R.lensIndex(0), 11, R.set(R.lensIndex(0), 10, testList))), 11 ); }); });});