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:ram: Practical functional Javascript
var R = require('../source');var eq = require('./shared/eq');

var they = it;

var alice = { name: 'Alice Jones', address: ['22 Walnut St', 'San Francisco', 'CA'], pets: {dog: 'joker', cat: 'batman'}};
var nameLens = R.lens(R.prop('name'), R.assoc('name'));var addressLens = R.lensProp('address');var headLens = R.lensIndex(0);var dogLens = R.lensPath(['pets', 'dog']);

describe('view, over, and set', function() {
they('may be applied to a lens created by `lensPath`', function() { eq(R.view(dogLens, alice), 'joker'); });
they('may be applied to a lens created by `lensProp`', function() { eq(R.view(nameLens, alice), 'Alice Jones');
eq(R.over(nameLens, R.toUpper, alice), { name: 'ALICE JONES', address: ['22 Walnut St', 'San Francisco', 'CA'], pets: {dog: 'joker', cat: 'batman'} });
eq(R.set(nameLens, 'Alice Smith', alice), { name: 'Alice Smith', address: ['22 Walnut St', 'San Francisco', 'CA'], pets: {dog: 'joker', cat: 'batman'} }); });
they('may be applied to a lens created by `lensIndex`', function() { eq(R.view(headLens, alice.address), '22 Walnut St');
eq(R.over(headLens, R.toUpper, alice.address), ['22 WALNUT ST', 'San Francisco', 'CA'] );
eq(R.set(headLens, '52 Crane Ave', alice.address), ['52 Crane Ave', 'San Francisco', 'CA'] ); });
they('may be applied to composed lenses', function() { var streetLens = R.compose(addressLens, headLens); var dogLens = R.compose(R.lensPath(['pets']), R.lensPath(['dog']));
eq(R.view(dogLens, alice), R.view(R.lensPath(['pets', 'dog']), alice));
eq(R.view(streetLens, alice), '22 Walnut St');
eq(R.over(streetLens, R.toUpper, alice), { name: 'Alice Jones', address: ['22 WALNUT ST', 'San Francisco', 'CA'], pets: {dog: 'joker', cat: 'batman'} });
eq(R.set(streetLens, '52 Crane Ave', alice), { name: 'Alice Jones', address: ['52 Crane Ave', 'San Francisco', 'CA'], pets: {dog: 'joker', cat: 'batman'} }); });