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:ram: Practical functional Javascript

var R = require('../source');var eq = require('./shared/eq');var Maybe = require('./shared/Maybe');

var addN = function() { return R.reduce(function(a, b) { return a + b; }, 0, arguments);};var add3 = R.curry(function add3(a, b, c) { return a + b + c;});

describe('liftN', function() {
var addN3 = R.liftN(3, addN); var addN4 = R.liftN(4, addN); var addN5 = R.liftN(5, addN);
it('returns a function', function() { eq(typeof R.liftN(3, add3), 'function'); });
it('limits a variadic function to the specified arity', function() { eq(addN3([1, 10], [2], [3]), [6, 15]); });
it('can lift functions of any arity', function() { eq(addN3([1, 10], [2], [3]), [6, 15]); eq(addN4([1, 10], [2], [3], [40]), [46, 55]); eq(addN5([1, 10], [2], [3], [40], [500, 1000]), [546, 1046, 555, 1055]); });
it('works with other functors such as "Maybe"', function() { var addM = R.liftN(2, R.add); eq(addM(Maybe.Just(3), Maybe.Just(5)), Maybe.Just(8)); });
it('interprets [a] as a functor', function() { eq(addN3([1, 2, 3], [10, 20], [100, 200, 300]), [111, 211, 311, 121, 221, 321, 112, 212, 312, 122, 222, 322, 113, 213, 313, 123, 223, 323]); eq(addN3([1], [2], [3]), [6]); eq(addN3([1, 2], [10, 20], [100, 200]), [111, 211, 121, 221, 112, 212, 122, 222]); });
it('interprets ((->) r) as a functor', function() { var convergedOnInt = addN3(R.add(2), R.multiply(3), R.subtract(4)); var convergedOnBool = R.liftN(2, R.and)(, 0),, 3)); eq(typeof convergedOnInt, 'function'); eq(typeof convergedOnBool, 'function'); eq(convergedOnInt(10), (10 + 2) + (10 * 3) + (4 - 10)); // jscs:disable disallowYodaConditions eq(convergedOnBool(0), (0 > 0) && (0 < 3)); eq(convergedOnBool(1), (1 > 0) && (1 < 3)); eq(convergedOnBool(2), (2 > 0) && (2 < 3)); eq(convergedOnBool(3), (3 > 0) && (3 < 3)); // jscs:enable disallowYodaConditions });