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:ram: Practical functional Javascript
var R = require('../source');var eq = require('./shared/eq');

describe('pathSatisfies', function() {
var isPositive = function(n) { return n > 0; };
it('returns true if the specified object path satisfies the given predicate', function() { eq(R.pathSatisfies(isPositive, ['x', 1, 'y'], {x: [{y: -1}, {y: 1}]}), true); });
it('returns false if the specified path does not exist', function() { eq(R.pathSatisfies(isPositive, ['x', 'y'], {x: {z: 42}}), false); });
it('handles empty paths by applying pred to data: positive', function() { eq(R.pathSatisfies(, [], {x: {z: 42}}), true); });
it('handles empty paths by applying pred to data: negative', function() { eq(R.pathSatisfies(R.has('y'), [], {x: {z: 42}}), false); });
it('returns false otherwise', function() { eq(R.pathSatisfies(isPositive, ['x', 'y'], {x: {y: 0}}), false); });