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:ram: Practical functional Javascript
var assert = require('assert');
var R = require('../source');var eq = require('./shared/eq');

describe('pickBy', function() { var obj = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: 5, f: 6};
it('creates a copy of the object', function() { assert.notStrictEqual(R.pickBy(R.always(true), obj), obj); });
it('when returning truthy, keeps the key', function() { eq(R.pickBy(R.T, obj), obj); eq(R.pickBy(R.always({}), obj), obj); eq(R.pickBy(R.always(1), obj), obj); });
it('when returning falsy, keeps the key', function() { eq(R.pickBy(R.always(false), obj), {}); eq(R.pickBy(R.always(0), obj), {}); eq(R.pickBy(R.always(null), obj), {}); });
it('is called with (val,key,obj)', function() { eq(R.pickBy(function(val, key, _obj) { eq(_obj, obj); return key === 'd' && val === 4; }, obj), {d: 4}); });
it('retrieves prototype properties', function() { var F = function(param) {this.x = param;}; F.prototype.y = 40; F.prototype.z = 50; var obj = new F(30); obj.v = 10; obj.w = 20; eq(R.pickBy(function(val) {return val < 45;}, obj), {v: 10, w: 20, x: 30, y: 40}); });