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:ram: Practical functional Javascript
var R = require('../source');var eq = require('./shared/eq');var Pair = require('./shared/Pair');

describe('promap', function() { var fromCharCode = String.fromCharCode; function charCodeAt(s) { return s.charCodeAt(); } function Costar(run) { return { promap: function promap(f, g) { return Costar(R.pipe(, run, g)); }, run: run }; }
it('dispatches to pronfuctor["fantasy-land/promap"]() if present', function() { var setJson = R.promap(JSON.parse, JSON.stringify); var pair = setJson( Pair(R.assoc('left-promapped', true), R.assoc('right-promapped', true)) );
function mergeWithJson(json) { return function(left, right) { return right(left(json)); }; }
eq(pair.merge(mergeWithJson('{}')), '{"left-promapped":true,"right-promapped":true}'); });
it('dispatches to pronfuctor.promap() if present', function() { var is1337Change = R.promap(R.multiply(100), R.equals(1337), Costar(R.sum)); var data = [10, 3, 0.3, 0.07];
eq(, true); });
it('composes two functions, f and g, before and after the final function respectively', function() { var decodeChar = R.promap(charCodeAt, fromCharCode, R.add(-8)); var decodeString = R.promap(R.split(''), R.join(''),; var code = 'ziuli';
eq(decodeString(code), 'ramda'); });});