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:ram: Practical functional Javascript
var R = require('../source');var eq = require('./shared/eq');

describe('prop', function() { var fred = {name: 'Fred', age: 23};
it('returns a function that fetches the appropriate property', function() { var nm = R.prop('name'); eq(typeof nm, 'function'); eq(nm(fred), 'Fred'); });
it('handles number as property', function() { var deities = ['Cthulhu', 'Dagon', 'Yog-Sothoth']; eq(R.prop(0, deities), 'Cthulhu'); eq(R.prop(1, deities), 'Dagon'); eq(R.prop(2, deities), 'Yog-Sothoth'); eq(R.prop(-1, deities), 'Yog-Sothoth'); });
it('shows the same behaviour as path for a nonexistent property', function() { var propResult = R.prop('incorrect', fred); var pathResult = R.path(['incorrect'], fred); eq(propResult, pathResult); });
it('shows the same behaviour as path for an undefined property', function() { var propResult = R.prop(undefined, fred); var pathResult = R.path([undefined], fred); eq(propResult, pathResult); });
it('shows the same behaviour as path for a null property', function() { var propResult = R.prop(null, fred); var pathResult = R.path([null], fred); eq(propResult, pathResult); });
it('shows the same behaviour as path for a valid property and object', function() { var propResult = R.prop('age', fred); var pathResult = R.path(['age'], fred); eq(propResult, pathResult); });
it('shows the same behaviour as path for a null object', function() { var propResult = R.prop('age', null); var pathResult = R.path(['age'], null); eq(propResult, pathResult); });
it('shows the same behaviour as path for an undefined object', function() { var propResult, propException, pathResult, pathException; try { propResult = R.prop('name', undefined); } catch (e) { propException = e; }
try { pathResult = R.path(['name'], undefined); } catch (e) { pathException = e; }
eq(propResult, pathResult); eq(propException, pathException); });});