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:ram: Practical functional Javascript
var R = require('../source');var eq = require('./shared/eq');

describe('propEq', function() { var obj1 = {name: 'Abby', age: 7, hair: 'blond'}; var obj2 = {name: 'Fred', age: 12, hair: 'brown'};
it('determines whether a particular property matches a given value for a specific object', function() { eq(R.propEq('name', 'Abby', obj1), true); eq(R.propEq('hair', 'brown', obj2), true); eq(R.propEq('hair', 'blond', obj2), false); });
it('handles number as property', function() { var deities = ['Cthulhu', 'Dagon', 'Yog-Sothoth']; eq(R.propEq(0, 'Cthulhu', deities), true); eq(R.propEq(1, 'Dagon', deities), true); eq(R.propEq(2, 'Yog-Sothoth', deities), true); eq(R.propEq(-1, 'Yog-Sothoth', deities), true); eq(R.propEq(3, undefined, deities), true); });
it('has R.equals semantics', function() { function Just(x) { this.value = x; } Just.prototype.equals = function(x) { return x instanceof Just && R.equals(x.value, this.value); };
eq(R.propEq('value', 0, {value: -0}), false); eq(R.propEq('value', -0, {value: 0}), false); eq(R.propEq('value', NaN, {value: NaN}), true); eq(R.propEq('value', new Just([42]), {value: new Just([42])}), true); });
it('returns false if called with a null or undefined object', function() { eq(R.propEq('name', 'Abby', null), false); eq(R.propEq('name', 'Abby', undefined), false); });